
If we don’t get a code for the game, we can’t review it ahead of time. Simple as that. 

I know this is a different studio but I don’t trust any of these Batman related game to run well on PC at launch if ever.  They tend to shit the bed on the ports

The reason is obvious. Have we all not bee gaming lately? Release now, finish later. In six months you will be able to get it for $15 with all the bug fixes and a 60fps mode.

What is the extra $10 that games cost now buying? Because they sure as hell don’t seem to be spending it on optimization.

Ah yes, more folks are working and have a bit more money than they have in 30+ years so now inflation is our fault. Not the price gouging and stock buy backs, or the PPP loan forgiveness, it’s the regular folks who’ve been scraping by for decades.

Regardless of the reason, I’m not happy about the bolt dying. It was a fine car, and the first EV that was even half as good to drive as a Tesla, with similar range. The bolt is a good size, good height for most people, and is basically an MPV, which is the actual vehicle people who think they need to buy CUV’s

Not to mention there are hundreds of games there at any given time. Its been this narrative here for a while with the anti-game pass takes. But I’ve been playing tons of games pass games. I rarely even buy a game these days. I feel like Ari forgets that normal people don’t play every single game that hits and just

I figured she wanted Obi-Wan since he was the one person who might get Vader to let his defense down to indulge his obsessive hatred, like Hector to Gus in Breaking Bad.

Valve can only count to 2

I mean, that's in line with how Sega of Japan has been run since the 90's.

Well, that’s your problem right there:

Damn, we’re not even giving time for nostalgia to hit before we try to cash in now.

Yeah, right. How many Avenir’s have you seen on the road that look like this?

I’ll stop you there. Buick will not, in fact, make a 2-door liftback. Only Cadillac sits above Buick in making design studies that will not resemble any actual production model. 

You know, I’m getting really bored of this now. I’ve been reading Kotaku daily for about 15 years because it was written with a real enthusiasm for gaming and it felt fun to read as a result. There were silly in-jokes, Photoshop contests, etc.

People are welcome to do what they want with their money.

Microsoft delayed several games and an entertainment journalist started a hashtag declaring he was ending his Game Pass subscription... temporarily.

Anyone who isn’t finding value in the gamepass is bonkers-crazy-pants or has already spent their money on every game to come out each month. As someone on a tight budget, there is at least one game announced each month that pays for the whole subscription. I can understand un-subbing because you just don’t have the

Just going to point out that around SOMETHING (I wonder what...) happened mid-2015 that caused the 10 year decline in gun homicides (despite gun sales going up) and violence to suddenly spike. It wasn’t because they just started selling violent video games in 2015. Violent political rhetoric and hate speech against

At what point is the FCC going to yank Fox News license for inciting terrorism and spreading disinformation?