Behold! My Comment-inator!

Is there any word of a Nike+ Android app? I'm starting to think Apple locked them into exclusivity when they signed agreements for the licensing.

What dogisbadob said.

Thank you! It was a bit painstaking building my evil GizmodoAvatarNameIdea-Inator, being that it's normally not very evil to name something, but well worth it in the end. Stay on the lookout for platypi!

Indeed and cheers to you good sir!

I'm using the international GSM version on T-Mobile every day now for 2 weeks. Phenomenal and the HSPA+ speeds are fantastic. I average 8-10Mbps, and I've experienced much higher. In the city I get 19ish.

I'm using the international GSM version on T-Mobile every day now for 2 weeks. Phenomenal and the HSPA+ speeds are fantastic. I average 8-10Mbps, and I've experienced much higher. In the city I get 19ish.

Comment that makes sense is probably true, because it makes sense.

LastPass personally, so the only thing I gained from this article is that Jesus is exactly as hypertensive/paranoid/self-important as his writing style indicates. I still love him though.

Sennheiser and Denon closed-backs, everywhere in my life.

I find myself constantly wondering the same. Maybe similar to the Family Guy digs at Fox?


Am I wasting my time trying to find a way to get Nike+ stuff from talking to Android or will there be official support soon?

Scumbag China; Finally becomes legitimate world power; Entire country dies from asphyxiation and cancer.

That was gold, I lol'd.

Yeah I was just wondering what the heck ever happened to that myself.

Ugh, those scratches are the worst. I find myself wishing the scratch was much worse so I could justify rectifying the situation. His starts juuust below the proximity sensor, 3/4 of an inch downward and spilling over onto the screen itself.

Galaxy SII? Happened to my best friend yesterday. He was cleaning the screen with something and a grain of sediment happened to get caught in between somehow.

The VEKTR headphones look like an unfinished polygon render for some video game. Maybe the designer was halfway done making the frame in CAD when his friend walked in and exclaimed, "Wow!"

The design on this alone makes me want it. Great job by Klipsch.