Behold! My Comment-inator!

@stacyinbean: nah, hanging is letting it roll off your shoulder and not having it be shock and awe. it's reality as opposed to being oblivious to what might happen in that environment. it's not perfect and it's not right, but it's reality when it's 53 testosterone maxed out men in a closed environment where

@SarahMC: i do when it comes to 53 testosterone maxed out men in a closed environment. pheromones and other biological phenomena inspire competition among dominant males and it's a natural reaction.

@GrummoreGrummersom: i think we're straining the term sexual harassment a bit. i agree that it's wrong, but in this particular circumstance a reporter with a history of incidents like this is shocked when she dresses provocatively and walks into a football practice and hears how attractive she is from a group of

I don't disagree that the players acted inappropriately, however logic dictates that if she has had this job for any extended period of time, she understands what she is getting herself into by literally walking into scenarios like that.. I feel for her, I really do if her feelings were that damaged. But on the same

VOTE: Adobe Acrobat

@blyan: continued great success to you sir!

@blyan: why does the universe tease us with this selective device doom?! ::sigh:: the slippery nature of the phone makes me want to weep for my friend andrew, who only a fortnight removed from fondling his jesusphone for the first time relaxed back in his chair to have it slide out of his warm safe pocket and shatter

I'll believe it's the real thing when a leaked shot of one with a cracked screen comes out.

On September 1st, Apple will announce its next generation defining product- Windows 95.

@acidrain69: hahaha yes, i believe i am up to the task. thank you for your advice gracious sir!

my secondary computer at home likes to blue screen with a ram error when things get too intensive, and sometimes just black screens but doesn't turn off. memtest shows the ram is fine, the gpu shows the same. 3 different hard drives and a power supply later, i wish i could figure out the problem. i don't think it's

one of the best articles i've ever read on giz! so well written, so well described, this was something that took me back and completely connected to me! thank you mark, i finally have something for my fiance to read that will help her understand me better lol

@eirrann: ditto to all of that

@superhappyfuntime: Its single use would be to connect something to something else? You're talking about purposes for something that as the post implies, just does one thing, not for just one situation.

I'd have to go with a 3.5mm to 3.5mm male-male wire, for connecting everything from my Nexus One to my fiance's iPod(s) to all things with a headphone jack or an aux port. It's fantastic to be able to Pandora more loudly when capable.

Fax machines part deux?

VOTE: Digsby

Fergie = Kirstie Allie

@code3: Firefox is incredible and the coverage is perfect. Stop drinking the Haterade and just keep movin'.