And they ungrayed that.
And they ungrayed that.
They keep spreading misinformation coming from the family, like they are some unbiased entity.
What a disgrace no is not the time for sarcasm.
You guys keep spreading misinformation. What the family has said has been proven to be not factual. The officer was threaten with a gun and he did what he had to do to survive, the fact he had mental problems help reenforce that the officer was right. Well done by the DA not taking bs from “protesters” and sites like…
I like this guy.
Maybe she should have known popular vote didn’t matter and focus on actually winning the White House.
Because it was time for a change.
Jezebel did it.
Hispanic means Spanish speaking unless Hispaniola was the only place that Spanish was the official language then yes but not there are many Hispanic countries.
You speak Spanish you are Hispanic.
Hispanic literary means Spanish speaking so if you country’s official language is Spanish then you are his hispanic. It has nothing to do with race or ethnicity.
When you see someone talking about Obama here remember that he killed families and children.
So did Obama defend away.
If Americans do not understand Cuba then so do most of Latin America who revere him as a revolutionary who took no shit from the Americans wishing there was a leader in their country who did the same. Viva Fidel coño estos Cubanos come mierda tienen el cerebro labado.
Maybe the patriotic Americans who voted for him didn’t care about e-mails or Benghazi and agree with his appointments and the direction the country is taking.
And he’ll do the bestest job I tell you. Top, top job.
They won a get to run the place. They are not running it for Jezebel’s audience.
Edit your post Anna.
I’m sure he has a persuasive argument for the jury.
Its not like the Russians lost more than 2o million people to the Nazis but oh yeah the jews.