
It’s hard not to think of Bessade as anything but pretentious from the few quotes in this write up.

Now playing

White people don’t like to hear that the privilege that they enjoy has come at the expense of first the Native Americans who were nice enough to not let them starve when they got here. And those thieves did what all thieves do stole everything from the people nice enough to help them when they would have starved to

Actually, The Root is meant for people like you. Keep reading and you might learn something. And then when it comes to race, you may have a chance of only being 99% wrong. 

Flagging is a useful tool. also. I often wish that, in addition to hate-speech and harassment, Kinja would allow us to flag for unadulterated stupidity. 

Michael, your responses to the idiots in the mailbag are always masterfully done and thoroughly educational/entertaining.

I prefer, ‘doesn’t know shit from Shinola,’ but I’m old school like that

Dismissing is quite possibly the only -good- thing that Kinja has given us. Shame the ‘ban this user from your comment string’ that Denton swore was coming never made it in before AJ effectively helped kill Gawker.

No possible way he can choose just one.

I wonder what the Venn diagram of hotep beliefs and free thinker beliefs looks like. Like do they almost completely overlap except free thinkers believe in using lotion?

There are only three reasons that anyone would conflate blackness with undereducation, laziness, unemployment or dope dealing:

But no, he had to announce his bigotry.

They’re certainly saying the quiet part out loud more and more since 2016.

So white people, if you ever wonder why we come here and talk shit, its because most of us have a lifetime worth of stories they can tell you just like that one.

“Honestly, this isn’t very newsworthy.”

He didn’t deserve to be in her presence.

You may be right. Only time will tell.

IF he lets the election occur. Or if he abides by it.  Two things I am no longer certain of.

It looks like their are actual receipts.


Needs to consult his notes to remember five sentences, three of which are the same sentence and two that don’t actually mean anything. Very stable genius indeed.