
With that level of confidence, you could be president. 

psychopaths don’t get nervous when they lie.

Yes it must be such a relief to be an unbridled psychopath, so freeing. I kid- we’re all better off with someone, somewhere having a conscience, gracias


You mean like the one mentioned in this very article that the police department settled? Those lawsuits?

Mr. Russell is an incredible human being. Thank you for posting this story.

Agreed. The public’s collective malaise about this whole thing (mine included) is so very telling - people were GLUED to tv and newspaper reports during the Clinton impeachment hearings. The whole country was watching very closely.

no we aren’t going to lose at all, if we could win in Kentucky of all places, there is definitely plenty of reason to hope.

He’ll say he’s been completely acquitted no matter what happens. It’s what he does.

*Jim Jordan, whoo boy. Do they not make suit jackets in Jethro-size? Can he not find a shirt that fits, or does he just wear his Klan robe to work to save the trip home afterward? What color is that hair, clear? He’s growing it out, maybe inspired by Lev Parnas, there’s a look. Does he always shout? Is that why he

What I continue to find both remarkable and highly amusing is the Republicans think everyone is as dumb as the Trump voter. Listening to the regurgitated beefaroni Devin Nunes, Jim Jordan* and That Ratliff Fuck vomit up would be hilarious if the consequences weren’t so dire. Good lord, anyone with a 9th grade

Constitution states that the senate *will* hold a trial if the house impeaches. Refusing that is flatly unconstitutional, and I'm hoping that still matters.

I tuned in for a minute. I fully understand the term ‘shitshow’ now.

I know we’re not in a reasonable society, but in any reasonable society, Bill Taylor’s testimony *alone* would be enough to move forward with impeachment...

Corporate culture comes from the top down. Zuckerberg and Sandberg are radical conservatives and white supremacists. So this is not surprising in the least.

They don’t know, bullshit. They know. Asians especially Indians know who is at the top of the hierarchy and they have no shame abiding it, even knowing it makes them subhuman in the racists’ eyes too. They are ok with this. This is the reason why most nonblack POC choose to side with racists.

Color me unsurprised.

This is bone-crushingly sad.

I believe his heart attack was induced by heartbreak.