
So, because I don’t have the time, opportunity or inclination to help the world by coordinating panel discussions about how smarmy, self-righteous swamptwats feel entitled enough to sic gun-wielding, justice-resistant nigger-murders on napping black women, I do my part by fucking with hefty bags of white privilege

There is nothing inherently valuable about a hymen except that men have constructed a society where they can make women’s body parts a rare commodity that is theirs for the taking.

This response legit made me laugh.

Do you know what I do when the plane lands? Nothing. I sit there and relax while all the busy bees trip over themselves and get angry and work their blood pressure up trying to get two minutes ahead of each other, and when they’ve finished I leisurely stand up, grab my things, and saunter casually off. It is not

This is beautifully written. I had no idea the show went that deeply, shedding light on topics too long buried in all our families. Thank you

Yeah, these comments are about to get real interesting. I’ve been dismissing with reckless abandon since Splinter shuttered and Deadspin shattered.

Rothfarb later clarified his message on social media, writing that “By disruptive behavior, we are asking students to be respectful to all students and staff and avoid altercations.”

I’d love to see him get booed at a NASCAR race. That would almost be enough to restore my faith in America.

Oh look, a totally clueless person who must have been living on another planet for the last 40+ years to not have any idea why anyone would ever call Trump racist. Not like we have decades worth of his own words and actions to go by.

1. A taxidermied possum.

Let’s be clear: Tuscaloosa may be blue, but the fans come from every part of the state and will be disproportionately white like most people who are able to attend sporting events are. The student section is just that: a section of the fanbase.

If we can call it that

It was rumored that Chairman Cummings was in line to be the Speaker after her.

Maybe he'll just run for president of Alabama

Today they reveal that Trump had Steve Mnuchin on standby on behalf of the Treasury Department to pay them off there and then.

Fucking unbelievable. There simply is no bottom to the depths that hunk of shit, Trump, will sink to.

That level of stupidity ought to be terminal.

Well, finally! I was wondering why TheRoot had not reported on this important endorsement since Pressley announced it early yesterday. hmm? (note: John Legend is also on board for Warren. Vanity fair interview)

Anybody talking about “likability” in the context of an actual white supremacist can log right off, personally