
Or AT&T/DirecTV NOW subscriber?

I take it you weren’t a MoviePass member, then?

I just cancelled my Netflix subscription this week after 8 continuous years. I actually cited their increasingly terrible UX in their departure survey.

And don’t forget my personal favorite of the night!

More faithful, but not better.

Today we are all Juli Briskman giving the finger to Trump.

Too many words.

I’m sure I won’t be the only person to point out that this basic setup is very similar to the 2016 film The Boy.

The long shots of Danny big-wheeling around the empty hotel (I would NEVER have done that as a kid. Nope.), culminating in his encounter with the ghost twins is some of the best horror story-telling ever, in prose or on film, and that was all Kubrick. 

“...the United States stands ready, willing & able to get involved”

It’s certainly part of the reason that the ghosts of The Overlook are able to influence him.

It will be interesting to see how this movie differs from the novel since Dick did not die in the original novel and the Overlook's boiler exploded, taking the whole hotel with it. 

Googling “baby trump crying” is like a gift, so much to choose from...

I think that comparison is extremely unfair to Al Capone. Sure, he might have had a lot of guys killed, but he didn’t put kids in cages by the thousands.

Fuck off, Don.

It is now mandatory that every Trump story begins with “Florida man...,” like “Florida man commits impeachable offense during spittle-infused press conference,” or “Florida man uses Secret Service to hide golf cheating.”

Even if he did pay those taxes (doubtful) he doesn’t get a medal. Like, taxes are required, otherwise 8 million New Yorkers would be heros and we’d have the subway system we deserve.

Rich, old New Yorker runs out the clock in Florida. Didn't see that coming.

Too many owners within a short time period, giant red flag.