
I’m in the same boat with you - didn’t read Deadspin that often because I’m not into sports, but when I did it was for their brilliant non-sports content. What management is doing to the site and it’s talented team of writers is a travesty. As soon as I saw that the comments were disabled I knew it was over.

Just another mediocre guy who failed upward and is destroying everything successful he touches. I would hope his career is over after this, but he will probably be promoted to something even bigger

I really wanted a young, fiery, brilliant, non-white progressive (supporting Medicare for All, cancelling all student debt, reparations, making sure big companies pay what they really owe in taxes, prohibiting discrimination against sexual orientation & gender identity in public & private hiring nationwide) for a

^ See what I did there?

Nice to see the British MP’s display more grace and leadership than the Bros running G/O Media.

Black folk that are still down for Biden, just tell me why. That’s all I want to know. Why?

Uh no they aren’t. Castro & Harris have made it clear they are not. In case you didn’t notice the minute they both went for Uncle Joe’s throat media coverage of them stopped. When Harris called out Twitter Liztopher Columbus was dismissive of her and downright condescending. White liberals love black folks until they

Did they actually stage it, or just cut and paste everyone out of existing photos????

They do, but those cables aren’t actually connected to anything, they just threw them on the table for affect.

It was probably taken a day before the raid

“Now, all at once everyone... SCOWL”

You guys are awesome. It is not hyperbole to say that this site often gets me through the day. Keep up the good work, and for the love of god do not stick to sports.

Well, it’s Florida.

To Kentucky & South Carolina next fall you have the opportunity to rid the Senate of two of the most vile creatures on the face of the Earth. In your hands is the power to send Mitch McConnell & Lindsey Graham home. Have the done anything for your state other than to bring eternal shame to it? Are they honorable men?

I really hope that Moscow Mitch is struck with a long, debilitating and painful disease that ends in a horrible death.

I hate him more, for sure.

She is complicit. No sympathy. Ever.

I loved everything about this. From the boos, to the “lock him up” chants to this:

This was literally his first real public appearance in over three years. He’s always been at rallies where everyone is almost entirely: