
Okay, but I’ll only countenance this if Madea is one of the moderators.

I find that number extremely hard to believe.

So, the Santorum-mouth, tiny handed, microphallis, serial molester of women, brainless, orange taint looking motherfucker took what should have been a serious discussion and turned it into a fucking worship service for himself filled with sycophants, aka a circus. Who would’ve thought? Oh right, anyone with a

Becoming?... Amigo.. the notion of America (since the 1800's) has always been a “religion”. Its one that can not stand any criticism or honesty about itself and its own history. The US has always paid lip service to the notion of “truth” (its something that should be used against others but never “personally” indulged

These Coon Colleges don’t care. They know they are going to be used as little more than a blackdrop for his campaign, and they do it anyway hoping and begging for crumps from the dusty lips of the Great Pumpkin.

Ah thats fucked. You do the thing you were ordered not to do, and your administration pays for your ... conceit? While it does the thing it’s not allowed to do, pays for it out of the students pockets, basically!?

I have 500 dollars... go to town my friend... I got your back.


One look in her eyes...

Unfortunately, I did, because I learned very quickly that the president’s hiring and “firing” methods are the opposite of normal.

Barr is a tool. What he’s looking for is evidence he can destroy to prove whatever his dear leader wants him to prove. What he will reveal is whatever he wants to spin to get the Dems to stop digging into the president’s history.

If the Democrats had any balls, they’d have every single one of those clowns who brought a phone into the SCIF arrested and charged with national security violations. Let them set in jail for a bit, even if it is only 15 minutes.

While true, I also doubt any of those findings would see the light of day. This "investigation" is corrupt from the jump, and Barr will cherry pick whatever information makes his boss look like a victim.

These bastards are unnaturally eager to find out who’s been spilling all their dirty secrets, aren’t they? Consider that madcap invasion of the SCIF the other day when they were preparing to have Laura Cooper, an assistant secretary of defense, testify about Trump’s extortion scheme in Ukraine. They really, really

I was waiting for this article ... Anne... you hit them points like an Olympic level whack a mole champion! So much of this is missing from the current media discourse.

“Everyone’s talked about your scholarly resume, did you review the packet that was sent to you from this committee?” she asked.

(Boy is you stupid or something?)

For just $38,000, the church group was able to buy—and then forgive—more than $5.3 million in debt

This temporarily melted my cynical heart given how crippling medical debt can be. And then my heart re-hardened realizing that this shouldn’t even have to be a thing in a developed country. :( The prices hospitals and drug companies and their ilk charge patients, insurance, anyone is criminal.

People like mohill and, it seems, much of the republican party and its base are absolute MASTERS of the “art” of the false equivalence. I firmly believe that they couldn’t maintain their own sanity if they weren’t.

Prediction: There won’t be any serious fallout from this breach. Nobody is going to lose his security clearance, and because there are no serious consequences, Republicans will continue to pull this crap.