
Of course he did.  

THANK YOU!!! HE’S DEFLECTING Y’ALL! By all means, drag his ass for this comment, but keep in mind his real goal is to bury what Bill Taylor is testifying to UNDER OATH today!!

Trump is a troll and his language is going to get ever more hysterical as the walls close in. He’s freaking because William Taylor is testifying in the impeachment inquiry.

Well, he only said he HAS the best words. He never said he knew how to use any of them.

Given the massive amount of users, you end up realizing just how zucked up this world is.

Y’all do realize that Zuckerberg is a sociopath, right?

Yes, lots of shitheads have had it working for Orange Dumbass, the psychotic narcissist who always wallows in ignorance—duh. What else is new?

No, no, no.  You list who’s left.

You are a genius. This is delicious, as always. 

“I am not quite moved by a still of Pelosi simply doing her job. I am also not moved by this photo of Jackie Robinson simply doing his job, I mean, he’s supposed to be a baseball player, isn’t that what he’s paid for?”

Did you ever think that people aren’t racist any more but learning about race is something parents want to teach their kids at home?

Sam, Scooby & Shelby? I mean the jokes just write themselves. Mike they need to budget therapy into your salary

How terribly sad for our country. He was an excellent statesman, and a great voice of reason in this mess of a political nightmare. He will be missed. 

Real tears for a real hero. RIP Elijah Cummings.

and seeks documents beyond the scope of legitimate inquiry.