
I guess I’m in a generous mood this morning (or just really dumb to engage you clowns), but this is a bullshit argument too. There are an enormous variety of lyrics that may be offensive to people, are you promoting censorship of art? The n-word doesn’t offend me because I’m not black, ignorant non-black people using

God help me for replying to this grey nonsense, but it was too crazy to ignore.  So you really think it’s a good faith argument to say that hearing the n-word makes someone racist?  Because that is what you said.  I also didn’t call Gina Rodriguez racist, or posit myself as some woke white ally.  I’d like to be, and I

I don’t care if she “has a black friend” or anything in that vein, she isn’t black.  She even explicitly has stated that she isn’t black and doesn’t identify as such.  So, no n-word for her.

Hunting animals doesn’t bother me if you do it to eat them (which I do on occasion). Doing it for trophy hunting on the other hand, that’s bad. I take it he's a trophy hunter? I don't know anything about the owner.

Seriously, who eats Panera’s Mac & Cheese? Probably the same mofos who love Jimmy John’s and Burger King tacos.

What in the actual fuck?  How is this so hard?  If you’re not black you can’t say/write/sing/rap/USE the n-word.  Full fucking stop.  There’s no asterisk after that saying “unless you’re singing along with Lauryn Hill, or Kanye, or Drake, etc”....There’s no flow-chart showing that under this or that circumstance

She is not, will not and never ever be sorry on any level. It’s a fetish for people like her, to use the word over and over and over again, whenever they can and then to slap the “I’m sorry you were offended” sticker on it, maybe manage a few tears when it might hurt their money or the like.

He most likely believed he had to tread carefully.

NWA said it best.

The police in this country have always been the tools of authoritarianism and oppression. I have known many law enforcement professionals, at all levels from local to federal, that I have personally respected and admired. Doesn’t change the fact that the system they were and are members of is

So Atatiana Jefferson, a black woman, is murdered by police in her home and her young nephew damaged and deeply scarred for the rest of his life. Talk about terrorizing a community.

“No one knows how many people were shot, tasered and/or beaten by police officers because law enforcement agencies are not required to compile that information.”

Anyway, god save her little nephew who had to witness his auntie murdered like that.  God save that boy, and let the community wrap its arms around him.

To be expected, I suppose, what with venture capitalist ownership, writers either fleeing or getting axed, Splinter disappearing completely in the middle of the night without notice or archive....

For a measly $2,500 VIP rate, conference-goers got the chance to hobnob with MAGA luminaries such as slow-witted wombat Donald Trump Jr.; former Secretary of Lying-Her-Ass-Off, Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Florida Racist-in-Chief Ron Desantis. The conference was sponsored, in part, by GEO Group, a private prison

On your PS:  Kinja has been slowly breaking down over the course of a couple weeks it seems.

“It has come to our attention that an unauthorized video was shown in a side room at #AMPFest19. This video was not approved, seen or sanctioned by the #AMPFest19 organizers. The organizers of #AMPFest19 were not even aware of the video until they were contacted by the NYT.”

Bring back Splinter!

We know the only thing we need to know. Trump supporters are a CULT, Trump supporters are a Hate Group, and this thing wouldn’t have been shown at Donnie’s resort if he didn’t approve of it. I would not be surprised if he tweeted a link to it out today. Also, there is a significant portion of his Cult who are at this