
Mr. Harriot,

The smokiest

and we all can slap too


“Damn, James, I was ready.”

Wishing I was homeschooled most especially by your mom. Thank you for sharing her wisdom and what she instilled in you to carry on this fight. 

At times, I sometimes feel as if the Clapback is not needed. I wonder if we are giving trolls, bigots, racists and downright low-functioning attention whores what they want more then money and power, attention that they can use to fuel their rage and to share with their like-minded kin about how the ‘nergos’ have

Regarding your reply to Mr. I.Q. genius, all I have to say is...

Where are the good cops? We leave. Some like myself remain in the criminal justice field to make changes politically or academically. But in the end, we leave.

I cannot even argue it. The misogynistic, racist, brutal culture of law enforcement was created over decades. We don’t hire the best and brightest. We hire bullies, former military with a grudge, and those with inferiority complexes. We don’t screen for racism, bigotry, misogyny, or just general hatred. We don’t

I’m sure his fellow prisoners will be happy to make sure that Drejka learns and obeys all of the cell block rules, since he’s such a stickler for the law.

Oh thank god.  FloridaMan stories are supposed to be funny, not leave you shuddering with rage and shaking with relief at justice being served.

I’ve worked in an office for 18 yrs and I’ve used every one of these except “more than happy to further discuss if needed” because I am almost never more than happy to do a single thing but clock out.

I wonder how many of these racists, who mostly identify as good christians, feel about their precious Jesus being jewish? Because, make no mistake about it, Jesus was jewish. He was a rabbi, in fact. Christianity, as a religion, didn’t fully separate itself from judaism until long after Jesus was dead.

This happened in Germany, at a synagogue, on Yom Kippur. I can pretty much guarantee you this isn’t a “look what you made us do” so much as a “look what I can do”.