
Tweeting means he’s still alive. Fuck. Maybe the stroke will hit tomorrow.

Just have a stroke already....

Found him!

“I regret to inform you that it’s Wednesday and the president is tweeting madly like every day ending in “-day”

It’s not even some unfamiliar, confusing metaphor. It’s from The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, “hang [thing] around the neck of the guilty party.” It’s like “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket, which is not literally about eggs, or “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want,” which does not mean the speaker is a

I need to be suspended for understanding a literary reference?

As a long-time resident of California (fortunately I get my power from SDG&E), I applaud your optimism, but I am afraid it is misplaced. The people you are hoping this will reach will find a way to blame it on the California Democratic Party, because they already default to blaming them for every single bad thing that

PG&E’s infrastructure in California is shit. Their equipment causes the fires. They are shutting down power because they don’t want to be responsible for the next massive wildfire (again). We Californians suffer because PG&E is a shit company with a monopoly.

Sadly our culture believes in rewarding people to the level of their incompetence if they have the illusion of sufficient funds.

“...their morals...”

As usual with Michael Harriot, I want to print these out and put them in my wallet to use in future discussions.

De-escalate violent rhetoric. Emphasize shared values with people who disagree with you.  

Eh, it ain’t wrong from where I sit. If war means even a modest slowing of the steady stream of cheap shit/streaming services/breads and circuses, it ain’t happening.

Um, I think you and the guy who won the Civil War have also won this comment thread! Yow!

This, in all likelihood. “Y’all Qaeda” will basically become a thing, and we’ll end up rooting it out.

I’d say bring it on but it’s not like they will have the balls to fight a fair fight. No, they’ll just start bombing federal buildings ala McVeigh like the fucking cowardly terrorists they are.  

“Something, something...tree of liberty...yada yada yads...the blood of patriots...” said by a man who never directly fought in any war.

It’s not like this is the first time American Assholes overplayed their hand...

the rest of the world has been either stupid or disingenuous in acknowledging what a true shithole the United States is.