
Because it ain't charitable until the PR photo op is done.

Piccolo Pete.

Or misrepresent it.

You can be sure it has global warming hysteria all over it.

No criticizing Supergirl, you will become LGBT persona non grata.

It wasn’t merged, it was assimilated.

Where's the video?

Yes, I'm sure this will be in all of 4-5 alternative Indy film college theaters.

Incoming Renner haters 4..3..2..1.

If this were posted on jeez it would be the top traffic garner for the day.

I’m shocked to see io9 pushing a lesbian scenario where there isn’t one.

Yes, but how can we tie this into misogyny?

I don't get it, how is io9 making grift off of this article?

Will there be retribution or censorship if we say the wrong thing?

Well, photoshopped images.

Q was a white man with a beard.

I hate to break it to you but middle eaterners are classified as caucasian.

I have no idea why you posted that.

No, I’m saying the representation of Horus as presented has a white face. So does Set.

You mean like Queztalcoatl?