
They did. Siho Ellsmore is from Melbourne. 

given the torch is taken up by the team that was already working and invested in it, supervised by his close friend and collaborator...

it won’t be perfect but i think they’re entitled to try. Certainty they have more connection and investment in it than than Sanderson did with WoT.

I suddenly have a mighty need for Amano art of Batman suplexing a train.

“Line Goes Up” addresses this. It points out that by publicly buying into NFTs and such, you are signaling to the world that you are desperate to get rich quick, you are bad with money, and you are bad with risk assessment.

That I did, bad times a coming 

They’re not pro life, just pro birth, and their policies routinely cause far more deaths than there are abortions in any given time frame. But they’d rather win an argument than admit for even one second that they could be wrong, no matter how many people they hurt in the process.

Can’t wait for the handful of crypto dorks to roll in here talking about how Kotaku never says anything nice about NFTs and no one understand their potential except for them and it’s all so unfair because how are they ever going to become fake crypto Pokémon pyramid scheme landlords if people know that it’s just a

Yeah, and that would be valid.... if literally anyone EVERY combined this rhetoric with a counterexample about that demonstrates how they are the backhoe to the shovel.

Laserdiscs are going to kick off any day now, too!

Nah man you don’t get it man it’s like decentralized and shit, you know? Like, it’s like, there’s not like The Man telling us how to um...I mean shit it’s like decentralized dawg, know what I mean?

“Um, I would name one thing, but you’d have to be like super-super-smart like me to understand it, which you are not, so um I can’t tell you. Also its a secret”


That’s what the blockchain is. There are only a handful of instances where it’s useful, but in those instances, it’s one of the best technologies for that specific application.”

Yes, many of the people pumping NFTs and blockchain technology are doing it wrong for financial gain, but that doesn’t mean it has no valid use.

not seen a single positive post or even one that explains what NFT’s can actually be used for

This isn’t a case of Kotaku being paid to crap on NFTs. This is a case of “everyone is telling you that it sucks except the people who want to get rich off you.” The idea is outright terrible from the perspective of anyone who actually consumes games (and fantastic from the perspective of anyone who wants to sell NFTs

Everytime someone starts whining about this, they never explain what those things that NFTs can actually be used for are, and how they’re better than existing methods.

That’s because there isn’t anything they can be used for that isn’t already being done with simpler technology.