
The prequels, sequels and spinoffs to Frank Herbert’s Dune, co-written by his son based on his many many extensive notes after his passing, are incredibly well done and are a very very good read. I didn’t get the feeling that “Frank Herbert wouldn’t have told this story” or that “This is not how he intended this to

And thus, our population is safe again! God Bless America!

*sigh* Tacking “Le” in front of words doesn’t automatically make it French. “Le” is just an article which is equivalent to the singular “the” in English. Use or articles before nouns is pretty common in most languages, English included. In this case, it just sounds stupid as fuck because you used a singular article

Whew, this is old news, read about it almost a week ago on a non-gaming website. I’m guessing people don’t send in tips as they used to?

That would be “stick to sports” redux.

The line can only go up!

The funniest thing is that although Amano worked on the designs for practically all of the Final Fantasy main numbered titles, his concepts were little more than inspiration for the pixel artists doing the actual game sprites, and his art never really transpired besides the box art, logo and promotional material.

Several years ago, Amano also did a collaboration with Marvel for the illustrated novel Electra and Wolverine. This wasn’t a comic, though, but a light novel with full page illustrations on the side. I have it in hardcover along with The Sandman: The Dream Hunters and a few other other art books collecting some of his

Oh, and if possible, right-click it off an NFT, I’m sure that someone already minted that one.

*Insert Michael Jackson eating popcorn in Thriller GIF*

*Checks calendar* -> Not April 1st

I’d say overall my favourite character in Overwatch rates Green out of 17 on the gender identity spectrum, while favourably maintaining a solid Sapphire percentile in racial diversity with a net average of 16 /2d12 Energy in socio-economic background. It’s such a unique and yet relatable character!

Who knows, maybe they’ll nickel and dime us for extra characters, arenas or menu animations.

Funny how they suddenly care about Silent Hill again after unceremoniously killing off P.T., which was very promising at the time! They got rid of the people that could have made the next game amazing, and chose to focus on Pachinko and mobile scam-games. I have entirely zero faith that this game will ever bring

Everyone’s just going to tell you to put your music on your phone, but I would very much prefer continuing to use a separate device for my music. I bought a new iPod Touch last year, it should be fine for a few years. iTunes still supports old-ass iPod versions that haven’t been sold in over a decade, I don’t see them

I’d assume that’s meant to be read as “EA Sports”, which is an existing branding, followed by “FC”, which would reasonably stand for “Football Club” or possibly “Football Championship” or something along those lines.

They don’t value life, only the creation of new life. Doesn’t matter how much pain and trauma this places upon the mother and whether the same will be imposed upon the child growing up… After all, pain and suffering and martyrdom are like Christian brownie points, so it’s all good, right? I swear these self-proclaimed

Why wouldn’t you trust a democratically elected government? I think you opened a much bigger can of worms than the NFT issue here :P

Do you really need a blockchain and tokens for that, though? wouldn’t a centralized government operated ledger achieve the same goal with fewer resources and faster data handling? The idea is fine and all, but there are really, really, REALLY better ways to handle this. Blockchain doesn’t actually solve a problem in

You’ve written a very long-winded comment about how we’re only looking at the bad side of the NFT craze and not seeing the benefits of NFTs, employing several analogies and generalities, and yet have failed to provide a single real world argument to prove your point. You’ve not stated a single benefit, despite