
Wow Secret Police that have people tortured and killed still have creepy incel stalkers.

Does anyone really think Elon Musk gives a shit about Civil Rights, or respects organizations like Color of Change and the NAACP? Please! Dude probably harbors dreams of a new apartheid system on our American landscape. I don’t trust Elon Musk!

Anybody meeting with Musk, whose family got their wealth from aoartheid, thinking he’s going to back down from white nationalism, is a fool. But i guess you have to make appearances first

A sign of the times given rampant conservative Trump induced  fascism


I’d much rather have two solid seasons (and I have no reason to believe that we won’t, as good as S1's been) than five made under increasing strain, logistical challenges, and increasing pressures from on high, because you know it would happen. I’m more than happy to get what we’re getting, let it prove its point, and

Yeah, Gilroy and Luna basically said in interviews while filming Season 1 that they couldn’t envision themselves doing this for the next ten years or so, which is what it would have taken to do 5 seasons.

Bix can’t die, she’s too hot.

I really hope Dedra dies a slow, painful death. Every time I see her on screen it makes me grit my teeth. I guess the writers did a good job developing a character I truly despise lol.

I’m really digging how this show is going full force into “Anyone who claims they’re ‘not political’ is probably just a fascist.” With bonus heteronormative crusading.

On Disney+, the episode thumbnail for the space opera show was just a depressed Syril eating cereal, alone. It simultaneously summed up this entire show and everything I love about it.

I imagine the hook and the wow are the visuals which is what this trailer is all about demonstrating. People today seem to forget that the primary draw for the first one was the visual effects boosted by 3D. No one really cared about the recycled Dances with Wolves but in outer space plot. They just watched to ogle

I saw it multiple times but I think the main character’s name is ... Jake? No, to answer your question. The memorable part was the visuals and the 3-D. None of the characters were memorable.

I’m looking forward to once again seeing, and then immediately forgetting, Sam Worthington.

No one can even name who the characters are, so I expect emotional attachment is approximately zero. This is a big-screen spectacle with massive amounts going on visually, so if you’re going to watch it at all then a theater is the right experience.  I wouldn’t waste three hours watching Avatar at home.

Everyone thinks its called Way of the Water because of oceans and stuff, but it’s really going to be a lecture on the social paradigms of needing to pee during long movies. My personal Way of the Water involves going during dialogue scenes... and I also don’t wash my hands afterwards.

Not that this is remotely the same situation, but my doc has to do similar things in order for my insurance to approve anything. I wrote my pain level at 7, and she said, ah so you’re at an 8 *wink wink* otherwise I can’t treat you. She knows I have depression, but told me not to mention it in any paperwork, as they

I remember having a crush on her when I was growing up because of Married with Children, and as I got older she was in less and less stuff, but she was always so good. The Sweetest Thing is still one of the random movies I think is so underrated and she kills it in that lol

Applegate has been dealt bad hands so many times. MS and cancer are both scourges that can’t be wiped out soon enough.

Now playing

Sorry to hear she is struggling so much. She is incredible on this show. It is a performance I did not know she had in her.