
I have just been walking since it really helps me keep my head on straight through this. I have worn out several pairs of my walking shoes and I have lost twenty pounds since March.  I don’t do the gym and it’s getting cold so I am going to have to figure something out but the walking has saved me.

This is unacceptable. Everyone should be able to vote period. I live in a mixed race suburb and I have never had a long time to wait to vote. The longest I’ve ever had to wait was about twenty minutes between the sign in and slowly moving line.  

When 53% of voting white women (because everyone knows white men ain’t shit) vote their whiteness this is what you get. I am going to sit over here with the sensible over 90% of voting black women that vote and keep voting for the qualified people on the ballot (white women also voted in significant numbers for

I have ancestors from both my father’s and mother’s side that were of the native people of Trinidad my roots are literally there.

Sleepy Hollow.  Fantastic first season, critical acclaim and places to go.  Plagued by show runner issues, actor attrition and ratings that kept plunging.  Former fans celebrated the end of the show.  I abandoned it when it became the Crane Family Drama with no chemistry Ichabod and Katrina.

There is a movement on YouTube that I am sort of kind of following and basically it’s Black people leaving the U.S. and making lives outside of this. I can go back to Trinidad I have somewhere to go I will be starting over and Trinidad has its problems but I can go home (it’s fall and it is getting cold and I always

Thanks to COVID Donnie Americans are as welcome as a STI in a whorehouse.

I hope he’s using his Faux news appearance fees to pay his child support.

She couldn’t come off at “intimidating” black women cannot do that.  I have had my manager’s boss tell me I’m intimidating because I always spoke up for myself.  He was a lazy, shiftless, do nothing but he was a white male so that was fine.  Meanwhile I did my job, his job and a majority of interacting with the public

His doctor will give him more.  The rich and powerful get the drugs that they ask for.

If the red states want to leave they can go.  They will be broke because nearly every one is living on blue state handouts but they have guns and Jeezus so I say good luck to them.

My aunt recovered from COVID but now she has terrible headaches and the doctors don’t know why.  She had MRI’s and everything they don’t see anything.

Thank you.

There is oil in Trinidad so many of the beaches are not beautiful because of the offshore drilling some the best beaches are on the north of the island (over the mountains that I hate to drive through because of the narrow roads). The nicer beaches are in Tobago and most Trinis go to Tobago for the beaches.

And his supporters can’t sue him for exposing them to COVID because they signed waivers if they went to his rallies and they caught the ‘rona whelp🤷🏾

There are thinkpieces all over Al Gore’s Internet about black women saving us. Black women should not be saving shit. We do too much (and have done too much) that they take for granted in this country. One of the largest banking systems either Chase or Citi was making bank because they held debt from Haiti that they

Caribbean women and various South/Central American women are “The Help” now. The stories I can tell you. My various aunts, their friends, one of the women is writing down the various stories that she’s heard/things that she’s gone through.  

I am from the West Indies and I just hate to see videos with those people running to the islands to “live like a local.”  I have not lived in Trinidad for over twenty years and I don’t live like a local and I was born there.  I visit, I stay at various times and when I go back home G-d willing and the creek don’t rise

My aunt was a live in nanny for quite a few years to a white family.  The elder son still pronounces some words differently because of his West Indian nanny.  (My aunt sent home her money built a lovely house and is enjoying it to this day).

COVID can move quickly. My uncle went into the hospital on the Wednesday, spoke on the phone sounding just fine on Thursday (he called my mom to commiserate over our family’s canceled trip to Mexico), spoke to his wife on the Friday morning and by that afternoon he was unconscious and he died that night.  He had a