Personally I blame that country music they listen to. Too much glorification of drinking, pickup trucks and not going to church enough.
Personally I blame that country music they listen to. Too much glorification of drinking, pickup trucks and not going to church enough.
Slaves were non people. If slave owners wanted to kill, maim, torture, rape their property nobody told them no. There were laws on the books about other people injuring their property, however.
The minute that black people were “free in America.” They were “free” to be killed by white people. When black people were enslaved in America they had value because they belonged to other white people. The Republican party wants to bring us all back to they halcyon days where black people were property of white…
I need you to stay out of my father’s closet please.
The Trumps do not have good people. Remember when Mel went blonde that weekend? It was entirely the wrong shade she looked like crap. Mary J. Bilge got excellent blonde in the 1990’s and in the 2010’s Mel’s in home box dye hell they have no good people.
They will get both Kid Rock and the Neuge to perform their greatest hits. So they have a solid 15 minutes of music to work with.
I do not nature. The most nature I do is walk in the park. Nature is not coming to look for me and I do the same minding my own business keeps my pants on and me untrampled.
Donald Trump, his son in law and the Republican Party were more than content to leave COVID to kill people and communities of color. That is genocide folks. They don’t care that it may kill white people as well. So for all the (brown) people willing to sit at home this upcoming election I hope that they have a…
My godsister, her sister and her mom did a trip through Europe a few years ago. She said everyone was nice and in the cities many people spoke English so they were good. I admire that. Europe is on the list of places to travel but I usually like to go on vacation in the winter to get away from the cold and go to…
I am going to be 40 next year and I am trying to have a baby by myself. This is the worst time to get pregnant but I am hearing that clock tick. I was pretty much resigned to doing this alone when I was going into grad school and was told by several other Black women I would have a better chance of getting struck by…
My library is a public library so by law we have to accept the lowest bid. However I cannot fathom why architects cannot grasp that the design has to be practical and work. This is not only a space that has to look good but be used by staff and the public.
I am from Trinidad so Kamala would be considered dougla.
I am a librarian and there are architects that come in to design libraries and they have “ideas,” however we live in reality and there are things like practical use that need to be taken into consideration. Like this is a library and there are needs like where do the books go, this is a children’s room and kids run so…
I am with your s.o. glamping is still camping and I am not going. We had to hike to a waterfall the last time we went to the Caribbean I enjoyed that because I had a nice waterfall to look forward to then I went back to the vacation house. I had quite enough nature for the day.
If black women could get Doug Jones in Alabama all of us could get a black woman to be V.P.
Elizabeth Warren terrifies the donor class. Joe has to make a compromise somewhere else.
As a black woman I am so happy to see Kamala on the ticket with Biden. I really wanted her for AG because she would make so many people cry but I spoke to another black woman right after she was announced and that woman was ready to go vote for Kamala today as well. So choosing Kamala just got Biden 98% of the Black…
If Republicans are willing to carry that line. They have been racist trash since Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act.
Going through a divorce at any age is a difficult thing. After 33 years it would be devastating, require soul searching, and it would be hard for any woman. Doing all of that in the public eye must have been a miserable experience. Good for Miss Tina for moving on and finding love again.
This is most definitely not for me. The entire drive of human civilization had been to get as far away from nature as possible and going camping puts me in danger of being eaten by mosquitoes or a bear. My ideal of a good vacation comes with lots of alcohol, coconuts, and a beach with a hotel or nice vacation house. I…