
My neighbor’s daughter, around 28, took her son last January to a trampoline park for a birthday. She was jumping with him and jump/ran to another trampoline and came down ballerina-style on her foot. She literally tore her foot OFF, only the achilles was still attached. I saw the photo of it, it was horrifying. My

“Everyone betrayed everyone,”

There is still. A Claire’s. Here. In Syracuse...

I benefitted heavily from one, but you do have to comb through the fine details to make sure you got a good one. Its a good idea to come up with a bunch of scenarios and have them call out what they cover and don’t. The one I chose was there for me each time and saved me about $15k in my ownership period.

When I owned a home in AZ, I bought a home warranty for $500 the first year, and that protected me from about $4000 in roof, pool and plumbing issues that popped up. The next year, I paid $620 or so on it, and only had a $30 copay for replacing an Air conditioner= about $8000! The next year was around $700 and it

strangely enough yes, even with keyless entry. Both of my cars, one I got brand new in December, have these.

Evolve or die, I guess. When my daughter was in Kindergarten I read a few Kipling Just so Stories to them, and a few of them got very racist very fast, and since I hadn’t read them for upteen years, I found myself having to redirect immediately reading out loud avoid ‘N’ words and a few others. How the Leopard Got its

Pretty sure that volcano didn’t exist before...

so whose butt is Thelma watching anyway?

I hope Kim sufficiently wiped the corners of her mouth when she left...

Hmmm...I think the slapstick manifested because of Rickman’s history or roles like Diehard and Robin Hood. The directors were mining for that. I don’t think the same would have been mined for Roth, so it may never have been dug into. I could be wrong, but I am betting it was Rickman’s deadpan emotional straight-line

True ‘dat...

Fork em Devils!!!! Sorry, auto response to the alma mater...

yeah, problem is, her mom had an aneurysm and died, and then we got pregnant and lost it. She has a somewhat fun and sometimes gritty sense of humor, but that took the wind out of her sails in that respect and best to avoid. I took her to A Quiet Place a few weekends didn’t go well. Took two days for her to

crap. I guess I won’t watch this with my wife, the miscarriage joke will rile her...

Yes, but did the googly eyes collide when they rolled?

I make a mean chili that I have one cookoffs in Arizona, Oregon and Washington. I use lamb, chocolate, Bourbon and sweet potatoes–and the hottest fresh and powdered peppers I can find. But, it doesn’t burn your mouth and tongue, you feel the heat going down your throat and kicks back a searing breath. The trick? I

Depends on the person I think. Capsaicin never really affected me as much as Wasabi or Thai Mustard. I get a whiff of that, and I have a burn at an isolated part of the top of my skull that feels like a railroad spike slammed through my crown and fire ants pour in. I embarrassed myself the first time at a dinner in

must be a good HSA, because our Walgreens/Rite Aid screams at us when we try and buy anything not a prescription...

There was nothing about his physique the triggered anything though. I watched a bit of the movie recently, and it pulled me out a bit seeing how unusually skinny she was in that film, especially towards the end. I don’t know about him asking the question the way he did it, and maybe a woman should have asked, but as