
And as a NASA fan and married to a PR specialist, her character in Martian was spot on.

100% agree, you can see the angle in relation to the shadow edge, she was giving him space. This guy is evil

I just fist bump. Gender neutral, and less germs. All good. Also tests character if someone does a cool “boobly-boop or tag-on at end.

Why is Captain Janeway involved in this???

Seriously? If you need an article to tell you how to turn down your partner for sex, you probably should be living in a cave away from people to begin with.

Sadly, I fell asleep in my chair a few months ago, and my daughter crept in the living room and watched Walking Dead that was on the telly. She read this and said she was going to rip out throats with her teeth...

and don’t do it with a dog to get new dogs...

And to add insult to injury, not following a GF diet can make things worse. My mom found out she was celiac when she was in her late 30s. The resulting damage to not knowing tacked on intolerance to dairy and soy as well, as her intestines were so messed up. Eating out is a damn near impossibility for her as nearly

try 40 years ago. The literal Dark Ages...I know.

It has come a long way. My mom found out she was celiac in 1978 and there was NOTHING for her but rubberized Rice flour bread. Growing up eating was Hell. The options now are fantastic considering, and a bakery down the way from here makes lemon poppyseed gluten free muffins better than any muffin I have ever eaten,

Mayo, not mayco...

BUT, mayco can contain citric acid, and wheat is sometimes used in the formation of it...

many of the gluten-fied substances such as soy, some wasabis, etc, can get on the cutting board too and cause havoc to a celiac...

As they say, the suit makes the man...

feel bad now, feel worse for the size 13 girls he has in a well, asking them to ‘put the lotion on its skin...’

Good for him. I didn’t start off a fan, but when he tweeted and instagrammed a photo I shot for Greenpeace a few years ago and got me tons of followers for it, he’s alright!

Her and Raquel Welch...who is in her 80s...together.

Superman blew? I guess he needed the money...

whiiiiiccchhhh is why we probably have Captain America: Ruler of Hydra. Riffing off of what DC did with Supes...but mainstream, not alternative

I realize that, my criticism was on his un-researched proclamation “it’ll eventually work out” statement when it may not. It’s a throwaway statement, making assumptions that aren’t valid.