
Which one, the green one, or the one who made off with all the green?




You are the only commenter saying the right thing. This story is too personal, and now at least alerts the rest of her “friends” to watch what they say lest she publish personal things about them too.

Her friend might have been an idiot, as is my opinion of namaste type people, but this author was cool with

I enjoy Jezebel’s commenters at times like this. Sometimes views are hit or miss for me, but I really appreciate how everyone here is bang on point.

Many years back I had met Jian a few times and he had talked to me, seeing me smoke out front of my work on break. I used to work at a place he visited. I found he came

Apparently your comment will simply fuel responses of exactly what you didn’t want, judging by everything else said here. I agree with you. In fact it’s callous individuals who think inside the prison vigilante justice is cool, like “a good shanking” commenter, fail to consider this goes on far too much to all sorts

“when people call leftwing protestors and PoC “terrorists” or “thugs” it’s because what they’re doing is actually threatening to the status quo in some way.”

On that note, how come protesters will get arrested for traspassing on government property, and roughed up and assaulted in the process, and then the right will bewail that these protesters were asking for it, as though this okays the assualts accompanying their arrests, yet no arrests are made here even though this

So true. Tony Robbins and Tai Lopez. The Secret ad nauseum.

I wish I could block posts from writers on Gawker than merely do fluff pieces on the most trivial of trivial. Not naming names, but ya know, just a thought I had when I looked at some Gawker “journalism” today.