Iron Man's Pants

An urn from the Disney cemetery gift shop :

Universal Studios is working on a Mario theme park...

Itsa book!

Itsa book!

Tintin: Prisoners of the Sith

Maybe the Rift 2 would’ve had a much better screen resolution?

I’m guessing AtGames re-used the mold from their Genesis Flashback controller.

Waiting to be drafted into the Space Force, so I can go AWOL and commandeer a shuttle and fly to another planet.

Hmm.... not sure why the side that looks like the old consoles wasn’t rotated 90 degrees. That makes them look like video cassette rewinders.

I wouldn’t mind a fixed origin with Iron Fist to be more like the comics. 

Which series are you referring to?

Rad Racer is still the best port of that game.

Any chance you can scan those materials and post it?

Game Gear has a bad track record of still working these days due to its capacitors :(

I think an unappreciated aspect of Spider-man’s original costume design is that it has no wrestling shorts or onesie.

At work, my co-workers sometimes use AirDrop to surprise each other with stuff like this:

Nah, you’ll be taken out by one that looks like a really bad Johnny 5/Short Circuit cosplay.

Wow. Hope when I get killed by a rogue AI, it would use robot bodies as cool as these. 

I guess Huawei can claim its phone has a better D-pad than the Switch :)

“Oppo” sounds like someone saying “Apple” with food in his mouth.