
Yes, that is what they said about the Galaxy S -> HTC Sensation -> Galaxy S2 -> S3 -> S4 -> m8.

If these were developed so long ago why did it take until now to start developing countermeasures?

I have a different question. If "you should assume they are telling the truth until it's proven otherwise", wouldn't this be guilty until proven innocent or McCarthyism? Or do you just mean during the investigation phase? Because as it happens much of the time there is no evidence besides from the 2 peoples words and

Wait, wait, wait. Are you telling me a bag of potatoes used to cost 37.5 CENTS IN MODERN MONEY!?!?!?!?!? WHY ARE THINGS SO EXPENSIVE NOW?

No you misunderstand, Lilike was saying he met Chris's mom.

Cases are mainly to preserve resale value. With a mint used iPhone you get up to $200 more than a very scratched up dented one.

Indeed that is not racism. That is just good, old fashioned, discrimination among nobles, peasants and, of course, the horrible undesirables (this is just based on the traditional definition of a caste system. Unless in modern times caste systems mean something different, it is just as bad as racism).


Don't worry, I have dual monitors and one of them is in portrait orientation!

Why were some of the staff "fired" and some "let go"? If there is anything warranting this difference or is it just to add variety in writing?

Wow, you are a piece of shit you know that? Not only did you not present any counterpoints, but you resort to ad hominem attacks! Shows that you are an idiot with no brains to back up your pathetic pea-brain. That's why you are a failure in life and can only project that failure onto other people.

Yeah, supermarkets are just leaches and middle men! Just go and buy directly from the farmers! Supermarkets rob everyone, just like real estate agents! They add no service and are just like "a" leaches, sucking up a little more, ending up with increased prices.!

If your asking the UN to punish China for state sponsored thievery, I hope you are ready for when they punish the US for violating Geneva conventions for torture. The UN has no real teeth to do anything really.

Actually, not for once. All the time really like knock off-eggs, cooking oil, and such poisoning the populace. They suffer just as much really which is why they don't have many reputable international brands.

Aww man, I thought this was about watching dogs out-parkouring expert parkourers!

What I'm looking forward to is the inevitable colonization war of Antarctica when all the ice is gone! (looking forward is the wrong term since I'll be long dead).

Well, they didn't call the ipad the "macpad" or the "iPad with Mac OS XIV" confusing all customers not well versed in Mac OS naming schemes. When one buys a Windows device, they expect it to work with "windows" software. Indeed, the marketing was a total failure.

Yes, so following their blameless example, it is high time we set fire to some Russian factories and kicked out all Russians and Arabs from our restaurants because of foreign stuff and 9/11.

But won't the American version get a horrible recut? Are you going to review that one too?

You can already do that, all 200 MB of it on tmobile.