
Please, explain what I said was racist. Racism is treating someone different based on their race or putting them down because of it. I am doing none of that. I’m literally saying everyone should be treated the same. Use your words, not emotional reactions that don’t make any sense.

I am far left leaning and publicly

I don’t even think it’s fair to say white people have dominated the industry. Between the dominant players Sony, Nintendo, Sega, and Microsoft, only one of them is white. Even early players like Atari that are white have major Asian influences down to the name. I believe creatives should be free to make games that fit

What you’re talking about wasn’t even the main issue people brought up. The main issue is about not caring when a game has a focus on a specific homogenous culture that isn’t white, but when it’s on one that was pretty much entirely white, suddenly we have to change it from homogenous to multiracial just because there

Plenty of people don’t want to look into the night sky and see commercialized visual pollution, dipshit

In reality they did because people migrate; by choice or otherwise. They seem to be implying that this place is (possibly deliberately) cut off from the outside world. Thus, no migration. You can’t develop a diverse population if there’s no way for other people to move into it.

Yeah, but context doesn’t make rage bait articles!!

This. Lived experience is something of a double-edged sword in some instances.

If I wanted to play Skyrim or watch Game of Thrones I would... you know, do those things.

This right here is exactly why, while disappointing, no one should be surprised by this, Japan does not have a history of healthy representation of diversity in any of its media. But at least it’s shown signs of getting better. I Am rewatching DBZ right now, just began the Buu saga and holy fuck I forgot about the

I am not gonna get caught up in this until the game releases but that quote was limited and the full quote makes a bit more sense

It was first, or at least very early, and widely adopted for broad PC platform. Similarly Steam wouldn’t get a pass if it only launched Valve games, I would assume.

Yeah, but it’s also $15K for four days of work. Assuming the game takes around four years to produce, that’s almost 1500 days of work. That’s something in the neighborhood of $40,000 per day. On a team of hundreds, that comes out to less than $400 a day per person. So someone getting paid ten times that is quite

Yeah, I keep seeing people say this is some how an unfair impact to responsible adults or some shit. I either play when all of my responsibilities for the day are done or if something comes up unexpected I’ll eat the 30 minute lock out because no doubt whatever it is was more important anyway and that’s why I dropped.

It’s not about taking matches “seriously” - it’s about basic etiquette. Just because the matches don’t “matter” doesn’t mean it’s okay to degrade the experience for others. “Casual” doesn’t mean no rules. If you’re rage-quitting and going AFK, you’re not there to play the game as intended and should be punished.

I *GET* the complaint of “real life stuff came up, plz don’t punish me uwu” but if we’re going to be harsh here, as a functioning adult I’m expecting that you’ve done the necessary IRL calculations to determine if you have the free time to even ENTER a Control match, knowing the time commitment it would ask of you.

As someone who’s been playing Destiny “casually” for the better part of a decade at this point, I don’t mind this. It’s something I wish they’d been doing for years. Someone dropping out of control and dooming your team to a loss, sucks and ruins PvP at the casual level, as well as the competitive. Also, if I’m truly

I’m chuckling at the author calling the series “in a dry spell”, a series with 24 games in the last 15 years, DLC add ons, and what, 6 games announced this week?

It’s art, not real.

This doesnt stop ripping at all though. It doesnt stop crashers either
Ripping is done like this:
Load an avatar or world
Go to your LocalAppdata and go to Vrchats folder and in the cache will be folders of assets
put data__ into UnityRipper-gui
tadaa ripped

How to crash people:
put a corrupt shader on your avatar/millions

EAC doesnt stop avatar ripping, ripping is done because the game itself sets it up for them, when loading into a world with all models shown fully those avatars are stored in a LOCAL cache file, rippers access that file forcibly and pull the entire avatar out of it then clean it up in unity and upload to their own