
The front-ussy on that bear tho

Their successor, Nikke has been decently generous too, haven’t really been compelled to spend. But it’s definitely nowhere as generous as DC was with its skin unlock system. I’m hopeful Nikke will implement more stuff like that as time goes on. I’m not sure if DC had that generous stuff from the start or not.

Pretty sure we’re going to see a lot more games doing this now. The industry is now learning what happens when every games tries to vie for 100% of people’s free time. It means less games get bought and played, and that most LS games now end up failing because people have already invested so much time into other LS

Yeah, I always have dry lips unless I’m excessively hydrating. Moisturizing around my mouth can help some as well. I don’t really get much sun exposure at all and have good nutrition imo. It would be interesting to see if there’s a correlation between people who get stretch marks easy and have dry lips, as I

Don’t tell people to think when you can’t even point out any specific reasoning I put forth that is wrong. You throw out claims without actually arguing any points.

Engage with the issues, don’t just keep reiterating disregard.

Most of the arguments I have made are unique to AI and not at all the same as past

Other economic systems don’t magically solve that issue. Supply and demand exists regardless. The only society where you’d avoid that is a post-scarcity utopia with a robotic workforce. As long as society has a market to sell things, then people will try to take advantage of that market if they can to get a leg up on

If you had a compelling enough argument, then perhaps you would not need to repeat the one that is not convincing.

It’s so exhausting to have to explain why that isn’t an apt comparison over and over. I wish people would put more than a minute of thought into this issue.

Cameras did mostly put the realistic portrait painting industry out of business, people only get a realistic painting done of themselves if they’re interested in

By in-house I wasn’t trying to imply working from within the studio, but permanent employees who are essential to the art team and aren’t going to be as cavalier about nicking someone’s else’s work.

Why they’re even using an “external vendor” when they’re posting record profits is the real question here. They should have an in-house art team for this kind of stuff, not bidding the work to external sources to find the cheapest option who is likely going to cut corners to meet your price and time constraints.

By defending it you’re saying it’s something that’s okay to do or “should do”. Defending doing something to real humans that the show is implying is negative itself is so clearly a bad thing.
There’s no assumptions being made, these datasets require a vast amount of varied data since they don’t actually know how to

They’re being exploited from low pay, but low pay is still better than NO PAY. So no, it’s not more ethical.
And beside that, the primary ethical issue is the fact it profits off of artist’s works without their consent. (and no, it doesn’t “learn like a human does”, it blends data, it doesn’t conceptualize and design)

It’s kind of a silly argument to imply we should replicate the theme of the show in real life and affect actual humans. It’s a show... The art team could have easily made something that actually felt like advanced AI, that looked better than this garbage and wasn’t unethically sourced.

Uh, what? Did you misread my comment lmao, I’m saying the complete opposite of shit a trump supporter would. Or are you assuming because I’m criticizing someone of color that I’m racist? I hope not, because that would be an absolutely ridiculous leap.

It’s really not shifting right. Yes more right-wing talking mouths are calling it home now because they can get away with saying lies a bit more, but overall the website is still very much left leaning, and the only way that will stop is if outlets like this spin narratives of it shifting the other way, as that will

For me the reason isn’t only price, but being more health conscious. Yeah, I'm eating out and getting some kinda garbage food, but that's not an excuse to load on the calories, every extra bit piles onto you. And fries are an unnecessary calorie dump that barely fill you. I try to still stay near my caloric needs, and

A medium order fry is like 1 potato... At best. And that’s being very generous. It’s potato flakes blended and whipped up to an airy texture, extruded and fried. Depending on the size of the potato it could probably make 2 or 3 orders of fries.

He wasn’t doing it to make them like him. He was doing it to crush the BlockTheBlue protest by making a ton of loved accounts have the Blue checkmark to try and make it look “cool” and harder for people to know who they actually need to block because it’s not unsure if a blue check is from the person buying it or elon

The market is not going to continually buy an old set into infinity. You have to set a cutoff point eventually and move on to new product. Artificial scarcity is intentionally surprising to make it scarce, not simply discontinuing a product because you want to make something else. Artificial scarcity is a means to

Define “fake scarcity”. If TCG is fake scarcity, then so is basically anything else. Food scarcity? Well, we could just make more food! It’s within our power, but we don’t, because we prioritize other things (in this case, releasing newer sets).