Super Bomberman FTW!
Super Bomberman FTW!
The speed and combat tweeks in Nioh has kinda ruined me on DSIII when I go back for these DLCs...the framerate and speed is so crazy coming from that game! Also - Bloodborne would be the one I would play on the deserted island!
Well, I believe RE4 was a bad change, but a good game. It paved the way for more action, less atmosphere and less horror (I mean COME ON a vendor selling you guns?!?). This one (7) seems to me like the best change in the series, ever, though.
My lengthy first tour of No Man’s Sky was a disappointment. I spent 30 hours skating across the surface of an…
It was for me too when I initially saw that but I figured it’s with how the generated worlds work. All the planets and places you can go to probably share a lot of the same assets when they’re generated which would cut down a lot on what you’d need.
I have heard at least one person say that daymeeuhn’s explanation for how he was able to reach the center so quickly was due to a bug where he was effectively able to have limitless resources, allowing him to bypass most of the gameplay loops that would slow a player’s progress in this regard. This coupled with him…
The controller is....I dunno, kinda okay...I guess.
That console, though, Jesus Christ....that’s got to be the single ugliest special edition console I have ever seen.
You sir are not.
You are simply not.
Your opinion is wrong and you should feel bad.
True but this isn’t treating them as the enemy per se. This is the console makers seeing that they would have to add a huge additional layer of macro support that requires elevating controller input and running them through input emulation, build all the stuff needed for people to use it (GUI, text needed to explain…
“looks a little bit like The Last of Us”
As much as I still like Mass Effect as a whole...
Oh god, this. I play on PS4 and I can’t tell you how many times people have sent me angry messages about how I didn’t fight fair and bow and how cheaty the giant seed is, etc.
Easy, you start playing at 3:45 am. :)
For screenshots and other non-gameplay uses.
It increases over time. I think I had 11 total by the end of the game? I’m sure I missed some upgrades, too.
Videogames much? The Raid was good and The Raid 2 was great. Get over it.
You're opinion is incorrect, but thanks for trying!