Inverted Jenny


Especially when the allegedly fake someone appears to have been a sockpuppet used to paint the creator (who has had negative professional consequences from bad allyship) as an ally of women of color. Yes, this is a lot of Twitter drama, but it’s a bit deeper than pretending to have a girlfriend in Canada.

This is me at 1am last night asking the same question. But I will say that someone accused of faking the death of someone employed by a prominent university—a death supposedly caused by the current pandemic and which strongly implicates the university of negligence—is going to be a newsworthy story.  

It’s a good example of not everything that fits your wold view is true, and that we should stop, look around, and investigate everything before we throw tantrums.

I can’t imagine too many developers want to give half their salaries away for Union dues.

If Usman punched Richard Spencer, Richard Spencer would be dead. 

Yeah, I don’t think you’re going to get much sympathy or respect here for UFC’s newest shitty approximation of a pro wrestling heel.

It will always baffle me that anybody who calls themselves an American patriot doesn’t see that immigration is the single most patriotic act a person can display. It’s easy to love a country you’re already part of, but to go out of your way to CHOOSE America and make it your home, regardless of the shit-ton of

Did anyone expect better from a guy named after the cheese Midwesterners eat because Cheddar is “too spicy?”

It’s not necessarily just because you’re born here, you feel privileged is what it means to be an American. No. I told you none of these guys work harder than me. That’s what it means to be an American. I work my ass off, and I’m going to continue to work my ass off and obviously with good integrity.

Seems we have a clear case of the Front Fell Off. 

That must have been the greatest work day ever for the call screener.

And then, "is this really your mother?" "yep, yeah, oh yeah, that's Mom…"

Totally. Especially because it's not even "Oh God, it's my mother." Nope: "Oh God, it's Mom." Every Mom ever just called in. Heh.

"What was it like, raising these two?"
"It has not been easy." and then later, "I know we have to take responsibility for them."


She's so embarrassed by those two. That's the glorious part of all this. You can just picture her sitting there watching this, afraid the neighbors are all seeing her children duke

You can hear the embarrassment in his voice when he says, "Oh God, it's Mom." That's how you know this is real.

mrs woodhouse 4 prez


I wish every single pundit/politician on earth lived in fear of their mom calling them publicly on their shit.

"it's mom..." I can only hope to embarrass my kids, on that level, at some point in their lives.