Inverted Jenny

Me too. The PK was absolutely the right call after the Dutch defender decided to audition for the Rockettes and cleat Morgan in the shoulder, but no one wants to win a final with that as the only goal. And Rose was due, she’d been close on other shots and has just been working her ass off all tourney.

Yes, that is true. Her work ethic is not like Ozil’s. But the creativity and ease she seems to have with the ball reminds me of Ozil’s younger days. 

The ref also got in the way and broke up multiple plays because she didn’t seem to have good awareness of where players were. She definitely seemed overwhelmed by the match today.

She’s so good. She had a great tourney except for the game against France. She has great touch, she’s so fast, she looks so comfortable with the ball at her feet, she’s creative, and she works her ass off out there on both sides of the ball. She reminds me a little of Mesut Ozil. She was a revelation and that goal

We talked about this a bit in another thread, but I still agree with you that a US/Sweden final would have been a more entertaining ending for the tournament. And I think I might agree with both you and mrrpmrrpmrrpmrrp  if that’s possible. The initial strategy from the Dutch was working pretty decently and the US was

Right? Like it would be one thing if the media found this all out somehow and asked him about it, but he *volunteered* all of this because bafflingly he thinks this shows that he’s a good manager. 

Yep, per the article Phil consulted Houghton’s dad about whether to play her in this game after the blown PK. 

They have fantastic talent and depth on that roster and Neville just made a mess of things. What the hell was he doing with the lineups all tourney? England was winning in spite of their manager, not because of him. So many weird decisions on his part throughout - all of the weird defensive changes, hardly using Toni

Totally agree. England was badly hurt by Bardsley not being there. Telford is very solid in goal, but she isn’t the same leader on the field as Bardsley. You could see Bardsley directing traffic, organizing that back line, and generally using her voice to focus the team. That wasn’t happening with Telford and they

Seriously, that was such bullshit from him. “Nonsense” match? And he was whinging about the Americans’ poor sportsmanship. Sweden did a great job this World Cup and they earned than bronze. Phil Neville is an ass.

I’m so happy for Fischer. She’s been such a rock for them and then saving the game like that was just

Why is one of Diana’s sisters dressed as Dick Tracy?

So late to this party, but your comment wins the internet today, over 4 months after you made me. Here I am investigating hatchbacks on Jalopnik and I find the Yanni post I never knew I needed. Made my flippin’ day. 

And why wasn’t HOA Committeeperson Chad here working on getting the abandoned truck removed for the last few years? Did he leave it there as bait to justify assaulting people who go near it? I’m pretty sure defending abandoned property isn’t actually a legal defense. Then again cops have to arrest someone for them to

Glorious rainbow colored flames! 

Dear lord, I misread this as “cat” instead of “car” and I was horrified but also curious as to how one drunkenly dances on a cat. Car makes more sense. 

He’s a real talent. I’m a librarian and the community I work with is majority immigrants, refugees, asylees, and first-generation kids. Graphic novels and comics are so valuable to this community. People who write inclusive comics and graphics are my heroes (Judd, Vita Ayala, Gene Ha, Regine Sawyer, Fabian Nicieza,

I can respect that. I primarily played sweeper back when I still played and my love for both defenders and smart players like Sauerbrunn is strong. I don’t think they need to send her to the glue factory, but I also don’t think they should stick with her in clutch games if she’s back on her heels. She’d be a

Paging the Eye Doctor of the Schweinsteiger - Bastian needs some reading glasses.

I think Morgan is actually injured and I would be shocked if she’s in good shape come Friday. She should probably not have been on the field at all yesterday and definitely shouldn’t have been allowed to stay out there as a punching bag. If it is her knee that is tweaked it was really risky to her long term health to

This is spot on. I hope Sauerbrunn coaches. She has a great understanding of the game and has always been a very smart player. I just don’t think she’s our best option on the pitch in every matchup at this point.