That district isn’t going to elect a democrat. Half the people there will probably blame the Dems for driving this “man of God” to his death.
Exactly. This was within the statute of limitations and it looked like there was a pretty decent case that could have been pursued. Now she’s left with no shot at any kind of legal justice (had she wanted that) and she’s going to have to deal with the horrible people who will blame her for this.
Same. The person who sexually assaulted me when I was in middle school committed suicide my senior year of high school. I had wished he was dead at points and even though it really wasn’t logical, I blamed myself for his suicide because of that. I also didn’t feel sad when I heard he died which also made me feel like…
Yep, PTSD. From 9/11. When he claims he “established a morgue” and gave last rites to every person pulled from the towers. Except no one who was actually there ever saw him. He also appears to be getting money for this lie by way of victim benefits. If you haven’t read the KyCIR long article, it’s worth your time. The…
I don’t even think it is about protecting Aung San Suu Kyi. It is about ego. A bunch of world leaders and thinkers talked her up and supported the Nobel being awarded to her. To fully condemn her (not the government or military, but ASSK specifically), is to lose face and to say they were wrong. People don’t like…
How do eyewitnesses prove a negative? He had ole’ Pants-on-fire Huckabee Sanders claim he didn’t know any of the accusers but would produce exculpatory eyewitnesses. Eyewitnesses to what? His not knowing them? I don’t even know what that would look like. A parade of people saying they never saw Trump and Trumpvictim 1…
Ah sorry, my wording was unclear - I was trying to be inclusive of Susan B. Anthony who was also on the dollar coin, as in the dollar coin was the only type of US currency to feature women (that I have seen) which made it seem like an even weirder choice for him to make. My numismatic knowledge is sad though.
I never…
I’m not even seeing how that would be an insult anyways. Sending her 100 disgustingly dirty pennies might be, or opening a checking account as NotAllMen LLC and writing her a check. Sending her the only current form of US currency with a woman on it and the only US currency (to my knowledge) to ever have women on it…
Only if they buy an American made yacht with American sourced parts, which they likely won’t since most of the luxury yacht builders are in Europe. Trickle down never works the way they want you to believe. It doesn’t work at the individual level and it doesn’t work at the corporate level because they just sink the…
The smoking gun would have to be something like a video from today showing Trump in Billy Graham’s church getting peed on by an undocumented male prostitute burning an American flag while Trump is yelling something like “Jesus is imaginary. I can’t wait to sign an executive order mandating late-term abortions for all…
I see the difference. His base won’t though. The same people who were screaming about Obama being a commie pinko think it is completely fine that Trump has gone all in on being chummy with Russia.
That only applies to congress members in purple districts or states. And even then they are in a bind because if they turn on the GOP and vote against him they pretty much rule out support from the party for reelection or any future offices they may be eyeballing. Even in the purple places they know that a) the bluer…
Since they haven’t impeached him yet, I’m not optimistic about the 2/3 they would need in the Senate to actually get him removed from office.
Since they haven’t impeached him yet, I’m not optimistic about the 2/3 they would need in the Senate to actually get him removed from office.
I hope no one already posted this downstream. Just going to leave this here:
Is this also true for dysgraphia? I hadn’t heard the sans serif thing about dyslexia, but I had the mom of a 12 year old with dysgraphia tell me this once. We were talking about graphic novels and I was saying how fantastic they are because of the scaffolding they provide and she commented on the typeface.
But I think MajorBurn’s point stands. I used to be a child sex crimes investigator back in the 2000s before Facebook became ubiquitous and snapchat and kik and others were a thing. What social media + smart phone have done is make the predator’s hunt much much easier. They can target, groom, and hunt from the comfort…
Yep, it was Mark Kelly, the astronaut who is Gabby Giffords’ husband. “I’ve seen Earth from space and it’s clearly round. The other question I would have for people who think the Earth is flat is that if the Earth was flat, wouldn’t the edge be a really popular vacation spot? I know I would want to look over that…
One would think *someone* would suggest picking something else, but I’m pretty sure someone on her staff gave her that book to read. She read it like she had never seen it before. As a librarian the whole thing just made me cringe so hard. For the love of all that’s bigly, somebody show the woman how to hold the book…