Inverted Jenny

And the stakes were even higher here. The hack phlebotomist cop could easily introduce an infection that kills the patient. You don’t do needle sticks to draw blood from a burn patient in this condition. Period. So he’s justifying it all by essentially saying “I mean that’s what wrongful death suits are for” which is

There’s data somewhere on frequency of assaults on workers in different occupations. I’ll dig around for it. Back in my social work days I remember it being used during contract negotiations for what was essentially a request by the union for hazard pay. First responders (police, paramedics, fire fighters, social

There’s no justification at all, remote or otherwise. There was no reason to do a blood draw on the trucker who was a victim either. He watched the suspect intentionally drive full speed into the truck. That blood draw wouldn’t help the trucker in any way. There was no probable cause for it. And the result wouldn’t

Except the only person who would have felt any urgency about the time constraint was the cop. The patient was a victim of an either suicidal or very drunk driver the police were chasing. There’s absolutely no reason to believe that had he not been comatose the patient (who is severely burned) would have consented to a

She has a strong commitment to the Constitution, ethics, and personal duty. Sadly that does not sound anything like most of the people in Congress.

The total disregard for the law is appalling. But the cops also completely ignore the fact that she was potentially protecting the life of a burn victim who was not even a suspect in a crime but a victim. Introducing a needle stick into a burn victim’s skin (or lack thereof) is not proper protocol for a burn patient

Alpine skiing, but I don’t think she won medals. She was on the US team at two Olympic games according to an article I can no longer find.