Robert S.

Almost - in the final office he pushed it hard against the floor to stall the engine.

Attacking his reliability is certainly something any competent defense lawyer will try.

Honestly, I think any testimony gotten by hanging a football-numbers sword of Damocles over a juvenile should be regarded as coerced to start with but, well, then they’d never close gang cases.

Mmmm, compressor extraction stages. I almost forgot about those sexy and complicated heat transfer modeling challenges. Impingement, turbulent duct flow, laminar duct flow, oh the joys of heat transfer and secondary flows!

Snoop, Dre and co. all got scared, renounced their affiliations and retreated to gated communities in Beverly Hills back when Tupac and Biggie got shot. It’s all fun and games until you’re a celebrity with a high profile, a family and a lot to lose. Apparently this new generation of baby rappers didn’t learn from

...fuck it, you’re ungreyed. What’s with the pearl klutching for Ms. Swift here? She’s a grown ass woman in the 21st century with a multi-million dollar career and more security and PR than anyone here or at The Root have. Is this some sort of Swifty-thing? Some sort of creepy paternalistic Swifty situation that

Hello FaceCrook, your comment has been noted, and you have now been added to the following list of rape enablers and pedophile apologists on Kinja.

Probably not. Wrong writing style; wrong shtick. Just a garden variety asshat who wandered in to spew hatred and uninformed opinions.

You do know she took a sailboat to get to the US, right?

People like to think that California is this all-powerful, Liberal-Elitist, cesspool that just wants to inflict their vindictive will upon everyone else.

My first foray, years ago, was a six-month around-the-US trip for a book tour.


Using property taxes to primarily fund education is the ultimate segregation. The poor women of color in this article circumvented legally protected discriminatory practices and were punished for it.

I love Sysco fries.

It’s not just affordable restaurants that get their food in giant bags marked Sysco.  You can tell their shoestring french fries at a half-a-mile.

A bullet will fire in space, as it contains all the energy it needs to combust the gunpowder it contains in it’s shell.

No people harmed.”

Penn has had 11 loses in the last decade, with 5 coming from T/KO. I dunno...maybe that’s bad for a brains ability to do things like regulate emotion or do a risk/rewards analysis...Or maybe he ate too many GMO’s.

Be a man!

I just wanted to say that I appreciate your comment. It is succinct conveys my own thoughts on this much better than I could have presented them.  

Excuse you, my entire team hasn’t spent thousands of hours setting the EHR to warn clinicians before they prescribe a patient a med they’re allergic to, or that has contraindications for another one of their diagnoses or meds, or to flag if they have abnormal results or vitals.