Robert S.

It more cheer the folks who didn’t stone her to death on sight in an attempt to push nonviolent change. Dragging a feudal society into the modern era has yet to be done without wiping out cities (see exemplars in every modern country)

Unless you are a current EMT or higher you should probably back down a notch. Being strapped to a backboard is not a benign intervention and should be avoided if not needed, so the trained medical providers in the field should usually be deferred to.

Exactly. Making sure all the lug nuts are tightened is simpler and safer then waiting for people to be killed.

Kinja’d again, was trying to reply somewhere else.

Wheels flying off can easily kill spectators and drivers. I guess NASCAR could implement a simple “if your wheel comes off everyone on the team gets an automatic lifetime ban” instead. But this seems simpler.

You can spend 30+ seconds checking for breathing and a pulse without much added risk, so MAKE SURE the person isn’t breathing and you can’t find a pulse before starting compressions. You can fuck someone up if you don’t do A and B before C. (My dad fainted in what was probably a reaction to new meds, and some idiot

Its a great first step towards a VeryDangerousArray

Nope, ice melting soaks up heat until it’s melting point it reached. When in salty water that can be as low as -18c. Ice cools things down so well not just because it is cold, but because it melts.

Nah, just pull all four cores and leave them taped to windshield. Leave a core tool if it’s their first time.

If you are in the USA, eventually someone will panic when you rev the engine, think you are going to run them over, and leave you with a couple extra ventilation holes. (At least that’s what they will tell the cops)

You’re just eating then wrong. A ten to twenty second immersion in liquid nitrogen and peeps are the perfect Easter treat.

Clearly it is in question. He thought he was using necessary force to protect himself. A normal/average person would recognise that a police hitsquad isn’t going to show up and murder them unless they shoot the city inspector before he makes a phone call.

Just in case you care. The machine has filtered water and a CO2 tank as inputs, pumps the water into a (usually chilled) tank under pressure so it quickly saturates with CO2. They only have plastic (or stainless) plumbing after the carbonator and a good, frequently check anti backflow valve. A school’s water was once

Check for arsinic in your coffee and ground glass in your food then. No need to become the “cool” parent, but even joking about that level of control is creepy as fuck.

You do. The difference between DC and AC becomes a bit blurry when you are doing something like switching a battery on and off regularly. What isn’t used in battery operation is regular sine waves drives. A combination of electronics and the physical design of the motor can allow for the phases being driven at one

Ke$ha wanted to void the contract now, and prove wrongdoing later. If this judgement stands all it means is that the contract, or portions of it, will be void if Ke$ha wins the case not before the case is heard.

I hope I misunderstand what you mean, because it reads like you think accusing someone of rape is a perfectly valid contract negotiation tactic.

Fuck you right back, a side impact could never, ever cause a small hole in the tank, right? And there is never an ignition source around in a crash either. The point was that if there is an ignition source, and a small hole, both of which can happen in a crash, the sidesaddle tanks are prone to causing a massive fire.

That and there is almost no fast way to kill an asset without making yourself easy to spot.

That’s only if you really really care if it gets sunk. Following a sub in a way that doesn’t turn you into a giant target is hard. If you have power to burn on active sensing and don’t mind losing a platform if things go hot its damn hard to hide from you. (coupled with a bunch of disposable/recoverable density probes