Inverse Falcon

Sorry, there are some really bad people that post here from time to time, and I really couldn’t be sure if you were serious or not with your post.  I misread it to be seriously saying that the trans people were in the wrong, and I’m happy to find out that I was wrong.  Sarcasm and even sometimes parody/satire can be

There’s a reason Poe’s Law exists.

The tower fowl is Colonel, Cayde’s rooster.

So my impression after finishing the main campaign is “Gameplay great, story shite”. As someone who’s very much into the lore, the campaign was a massive disappointment. It’s clear that Bungie had to stuff Strand SOMEHWERE, and it was probably supposed to be Witch Queen. It just feels too shoehorned in, and the

I dream of an alternate reality where Ubisoft released a direct sequel to BG&E in 2006 for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC. It was a single-player game featuring Jade and Pey’j as playable characters and had a combination of unique, linear levels and open hubs and lasted about 20 hours if you went for 100% completion. In

I’m a native English and Japanese speaker. I’m an attorney who specializes in international litigation, and particularly linguistic aspects of evidence. I’ve translated 100 page long contracts where every word of the contract needs to match the corresponding legal meaning in the other language.

Yep. Other languages have rhyming, but translating the words doesn’t always end up rhyming in another language.

Not a chance. It’s literally a manga about decoding and solving puzzles. When the puzzles are language-based, as many of them are, they become difficult or even impossible to translate, let alone localize. I promise you, the writer (singular, not writers) is spending his time thinking up compelling puzzles as well as

Or, they did it for just Japanese speakers to enjoy. Not everything is about trolling. 

I’m a martial arts teacher, and as part of it all senior ranks are “Sir” or “Ma’am” both as a connection to tradition, and a sign of respect for their rank. I also address *all* my students with such.

This obviously caused a problem when a trans student started. I sat down with the student, explaining that we used

g_saberRealisticCombat 1

Dude, he just wrote the article, don’t shoot the messenger.

Egotistical prick.

Yep. One trashed truck, speed verified. One trashed Mercedes, thrown 75 feet by the impact. One dead kid, directly related to the impact. Shrapnel for hundreds of feet.

Administrative leave and only charged 15 months later!

He was placed on paid administrative leave following the crash...”

How DARE they take the award away from the hard working ‘Prompt Engineer’.

Do you know how many years of practice and study it took to hone the craft necessary to type inDestiny Guardian. Silhouette. Floating over ground. Good picture for contest please”

This is Iron Bull slander and I will not stand for it. 

This actually was Cal’s stance, then he tried to peacefully walk past one of those god forsaken ram creatures, which promptly launched him off a cliff, and since then he’s sworn bloody retribution against any and all fauna that dare cross his path.