It’s a dumb nursery rhyme, just because racists replaced “tiger” with the n-word doesn’t stop it from being a dumb nursery rhyme
It’s a dumb nursery rhyme, just because racists replaced “tiger” with the n-word doesn’t stop it from being a dumb nursery rhyme
The only reason people are SHOCKED at this is because they don’t know history.
I can honestly believe that the puzzle writers were too stupid to know the origins of this rhyme, and that this was done from ignorance instead of malice.
Ask to see his registration. Run the plates. Ask the couple to prove their truck was stolen and not just take their word for it.
How easy is it to confirm the truck’s owner? This incident should have been cleared up within minutes of the arrival of the police. Now those same police have carelessly committed the crime of false arrest.
And every MOBA/Fighting Game charges for new characters too. Hell even MMO’s lock you out of new classes/areas until you buy current expansions.
Why is this a story? How was he supposed to know she was her mother? I did a short stint working security for events like this a long time ago and it’s not like they provide the guards with a list of names + photos of people associated with whatever celebrities are there. The goal is to keep the wrong people out and…
It’s not about taking matches “seriously” - it’s about basic etiquette. Just because the matches don’t “matter” doesn’t mean it’s okay to degrade the experience for others. “Casual” doesn’t mean no rules. If you’re rage-quitting and going AFK, you’re not there to play the game as intended and should be punished.…
As someone who’s been playing Destiny “casually” for the better part of a decade at this point, I don’t mind this. It’s something I wish they’d been doing for years. Someone dropping out of control and dooming your team to a loss, sucks and ruins PvP at the casual level, as well as the competitive. Also, if I’m truly…
It’s a wacky title but I just gotta respect the more simplistic but equally insane choice to call the 8th main entry in the series “Kingdom Hearts III”
Nothing beats Kingdom Hearts Three-Five-Eight Days Over Two, right?
My suspicion is that it’s about both tears and tears (specific to one Kingdom). These aren't fully voiced, so you can use text-based ambiguity.
They mean it's due for the 5th of Smarch.
So is it tears, or tears?
Oh yeah. The institutions were a nightmare — overcrowded, underfunded, understaffed, totally unable to treat their patients with dignity, so of course something had to be done. I don’t blame people for campaigning to get people released, especially since it was so easy to get people committed that there were a lot of…
“Part of the reason “institutions” don’t exist is because the ones that did, we’re conducting unregulated, barbaric experiments on vulnerable people like this person and we’re forced to shut down”
That lady should never have been in a hospital as a nurse. She should’ve been in an institution
Right. Because Jesus is famously the fuck these sick people guy. Their savior who cured leprosy absolutely draws the line at HIV.
That’s not correct. If you have infused an item, it will return to your arsenal (not necessarily equipped, mind you) at the start of the next loop.