Blackface still happens. It’s not something from the past.
Blackface still happens. It’s not something from the past.
Also, I think the white facepaint likely has nothing to do with race. Clowns do this, for example, and to my knowledge this didn’t have anything to do with ensuring the audience knew you were portraying or making fun of a race. And even if it had been used for this purpose, unless this was used for targeting some kind…
I think you’re coming from the point of view of an equal field, where either nothing goes, or everything goes, either way, when it comes to whiteface of blackface. If you completely ignored history and what these things meant (and still mean), then sure, that would be fair. But really, you can’t do that. Or rather,…
I don’t think I’ve ever come across expectations like this. It’s an added bonus, I guess, extra prestige for extra effort, especially if the result is amazing.
*sigh* Against better judgement, I’ll bite. How is cosplay cultural appropriation?
While they should always go up (Kat controls her own subjective gravity, not the world’s), this is also taking place in what amounts to a dimension of elemental fire. They are in a world of twisting tunnels of lava and flame, so I would wager that the fire here has no need for such limited things as a gaseous fuel…
Ah, good, I’m not tempted by any of these, so I won’t be blowing money on this like I did Jazz Hands.
So silly, to be jumping on the first version of a non-existent product.
Noctis, this is a sneaking mission.
Got a lot on my gaming plate right now.
Ah, well if that’s your overall feeling, I doubt it will change much from here. Cheers for giving it a chance, best of luck finding your dream MMO.
Yeah, good times. Maybe not the most refined of MMOs, but damn it was fun. (RIP Bellhop Bandito, Captain Treasureboots)
While I’m sure there are a ton of videos you can check out, here are two PvP battles, 3 rounds each, first is assassin vs blademaster, 2nd is assassin vs kung fu master. Pretty much shows how combat here doesn’t seem like many other MMOs out there. It’s probably also a good indicator of interest. If this doesn’t have…
CoX is...City of Heroes/Villains? Or something else?
I’d actually encourage you to give this one a try, especially because it’s free to try. With the exception of Guild Wars 2 and Elder Scrolls, I’ve played all the games you’ve listed, and pretty much had the same reactions. They look good, but most play the same. Wildstar looked like it would stand out, but I just…
May I ask how far you’ve leveled so far? If you see no potential of course, then that’s that.
Aside from unique context you can only get from playing and/or researching the game, I think it’s fair to say that there’s room in the gaming community for games that do not fully explain everything, but leave clues + a conundrum, and leave it to the player to piece together something that ends up being an interesting…
I, for one, celebrate the impending launches of our next generation space vehicles: Reaver, Hannibal, and Donner. What could possibly go wrong?
On counterpoint, I could see this phrased more politely and used effectively. I agree that some situations can wear people down, and politely asking for some distance from a thing like this, while unusual, can work.
There’s a thing you probably should have picked up on in life by now: popular things are going to be popular. The addendum is: and some of those popular things you either will not get or will annoy you because of their popularity.