Inverse Falcon

Came for the flying toasters reference. Did not leave disappointed.

Fair enough. I’ll have to grab the comic for the payoff. The story and characters definitely look interesting enough to delve into this. Thanks for your insight and recommendation.

Agreed. And thank you for clarifying Luci’s pronouns, I had missed the one reference, and the “father of lies bit” had me uncertain how much of the male she incorporated into her own identity.

I’m fairly certain the “she/he” reference was specifically made with Desire of the Endless in mind (…) and not meant to be a dig on Luci (unsure of Luci’s preferred pronouns). Heck, even the David Bowie reference is a common thread between the two of them, being one of the

I’ve heard of tribal forms of justice where the friends and family of a criminal take turns talking about the person they have known growing up, the goodness that they saw, the helpful and enriching things they did. A way to call back to the depths of a person, and help resurface their ability to see themselves as

Ah, that sucks, man. Hope you can find a workaround or fix in time.

Is this the mission invading the alien base for the first time, after you capture and decode one of the Outsider creatures? There are some known issues regarding the graphical settings on that one. You may want to google around for solutions.

THIS. This is why I just couldn’t continue. It made my brain hurt, and my senses rage. After ALL the impact and strife and wonder of the first game...and then it starts with a dance number, Yuna’s vocabulary drops to that of a grade schooler, and...just...WUT. WHYYYYYY. I couldn’t bring myself to finish it.

Even if justice is served in this case, this is hardly the singular reason for such unrest. It’s addressing a hotspot, but I fully expect incidents like this to become all the more common until a more widespread effort is implemented to address police brutality and abuse of power, or until the more blatant results of

“The greater good.”

Hmm. They trained in using the maneuver gear, and the blades. But how on earth do you prepare for actually facing your enemy?

These are always fantastic. I still chuckle remembering one of last year’s priest changes:

I keep scratching my head wondering why people would want this, or Second Life, or similar “games.” But then I’m the type who never really understood the appeal of The Sims either, so my opinion isn’t worth so much here.

Apparently the story revolves around a strange virus that begins turning girls from their late teens to 20s into weapons, other girls emerging with the power to wield the weapon women, and a world scrambling to use them to their own ends, as you do.

Right. I fully expect Hurricane Ultima to be the kind of storm where meteorologists are required to play excerpts of O Fortuna whenever they're talking about, showing, or mentioning anything about this ultimate weather system.

If you're just bringing up the issue of scale here, for summon attacks, then you may want to consider previous attacks from past games. Terra Flare from FF7 would have Death Star'd the planet. Most Bahamut attacks? Eden from FFVIII? Alexander? Tsunamis from Leviathan? That kind of firepower should take out the

My favorite time hands-down was when I got my Warlock Felsteed mount. This was back in vanilla where amassing the gold to buy a normal mount took eons, and I was rooming with a bunch of college friends who all played WoW.

Yeah, I really do. She cracked the hell up when I read her this, by the way. I don't think she'll let me forget it.

They do not lie.