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I'm pretty sure this bus trip takes up all 10 spots on this list:

Having worked at Disneyland for 3 years, one of my most treasured memories is having danced in the ballroom scene with my then-future, now present, wife while on a walking tour of the whole attraction.

The sky is actually not blue...

UGH! That ad just screams "I was once a child and loved facing backwards in my parent's Volvo. It was awesome! But now, I'm an adult, so FUCK YOU CHILDREN OF TODAY! No rear-seats in your Volvo you little brats!"

Get's confused for a 911 all the time, I'm sure (in the dark, after forgetting my glasses at home, and maybe a few drinks)...

Soooo.... you can play Pokemon X and Y without any frame drops in 3d now?

I can't wait until someone creates an Xposed module to let me use this outside of Samsung devices (a la "Chocolate Milk").

Having owned a bed with corners like these... I couldn't be happier having rid myself of those shin-killing, curse inducing things.


This is his take on the matter. Where he says he will not "let it slide". But now that he's no longer in charge of Apple, looks like they decided to let it slide...

Or the alternative....

I agree. If they ever did decide to market a rear-mid-engined vehicle they should choose to name it something not "Corvette". Heck, they can bring back the Corvair as a mid-engined high-performance sports car!

First off: that looks like so much fun!

Slaves were cheaper than using materials to make this contraption!

I'm glad the tow truck driver at least had the decency to properly load the car onto the flatbed.

My daughter shouted "elephant!" while we were driving just the other day. My wife pointed it out to me and it looked just like this. It looks like this elephant's been migrating (we're in TX).

Fine Nintendo, don't make a Pokemon Snap 2! I don't want it anyways...

If you don't need that much power, here's a cheaper option, also on clearance. [ DieHard 750 Watt Mobile Power Inverter, $40]