
Aesthetic judgments are really class judgments in disguise. A rare steak is “sophisticated” whereas well-done is for boors—why? Because the rich can afford good cuts of meat that taste good when lightly cooked, whereas the poor buy tough cuts that must be cooked a long time to be made palatable. A car is considered

Look, guys, it was about Syria, okay? They just wanted to talk about Syria. That’s what three anonymous sources inside the White House (at least one of whom is probably not related to or currently drawing a paycheck from Trump) said. They’re probably on the level, so there’s definitely nothing to see here. Just

I dig it, but you should have done a better job masking, especially around the taillights. The original paint should be entirely covered, so you can’t even tell what color it used to be, as if the layers of graffiti are so many that the original paint is totally buried.

Maybe, but the point of a sports car is to go fast, yes? If the Ferrari owner was so interested in tunes and cold air, he could have brought a Lexus sedan to the track and tooled around in even colder air and better sounding tunes.

Yawn. Wake me up when there’s a hypercar with one *million* horsepower.

Trump tomorrow: “I never revealed classified info, cuz I never said the subs were in the East China Sea, 200 miles south of Jeju Island, latitude 30 north, 126 east, like the #FAKEMEDIA was saying I did. Sad!”

Republicans liked to call Obama dumb but when one analyzes the situations, they’re quite different. With Obama, the claim was that the things he said and wrote for public consumption weren’t ever generated by him but by (white) ghostwriters and if we could see what he really says and writes in private it would be

Chrysler’s long-time refusal to make this vehicle, and the 4-door Wrangler before it, is corporate malpractice. (A purer and more egregious act of stupidity, perhaps, is their refusal to offer the Viper with an automatic, but this was worse cuz the Viper’s just a niche product.) Somewhere a scene like this took

My dad owned a 1972 one of these for a while. While in good condition, the main problem was it didn’t feel like a sports car. It didn’t rev quickly. The clutch travel was long and the shifting was long and vague. The car would lose momentum and start to slow down on the 2-to-3 shift unless you were really gunning

Awkward and goofy? Really?

Frequently during the election I heard Trump supporters say, “He doesn’t really mean X,” where X is something Trump said he meant, or they’d have some special interpretation of what X *really* means when Trump says it that was quite different from the conventional understanding of X. I always asked, how did these

“he thinks it wouldn’t benefit his workers”

“They already have a sphere of influence that stretches from Pakistan to Turkey”

Will you show us how to chew the gum?

“If they cannot be bothered to defend themselves, is it really up to us to pay for it?”

My ten-year-old Mazda already has this. When I’m stopped at a light and it turns green but I’m too busy staring at my cell phone to notice, it alerts me with a honking sound coming from somewhere behind.

If those other guys need to create a masterpiece before they’d allowed to say it’s bad, doesn’t that also mean you need to create a masterpiece before you’re allowed to say it’s good?

What you’ll notice about these “fiscally conservative, socially liberal” conservatives, however, is that the fiscal part also comes first. That is, it is always the women, the poor, the gays, etc., who must sacrifice their interests—interests that the “FCSL” person ostensibly supports—so that the rich white guys can

Like the author, I too “inherited” my conservative politics upon turning 18, and turned to liberalism in my mid- to late-twenties. In my case it was specifically because of things I learned in college, albeit not in the sense of being indoctrinated, because what did it was nothing explicitly political, and none of my