
Don't forget the GIFS. Lots of them.

The Power of Merrin compels you!

The man knew how to work the crowd…

No Benji Bronk?

So will TV Land and all of the other media conglomerates NOT televise his Fat Albert, I, Spy and Cosby shows, anymore? Are his series condemned to be thrown in the junkyard along with the General Lee?

I take it ole Paula is applying for President of the NAACP Savanna chapter? You can win, Paula! You can win!

But he's supposed to be My Bodyguard for everyone. Does Christopher Makepiece know about this? Matt Dillon's character will surely make amends to Mr. Baldwin.

Daryll is still alive though, right? *whew!*

Fibonaccism is overrated. One can find the answers right away simply by deducing the minutes from the hours that it takes to make a total pre-Gregorian year, which in turn is converted to the Winterfell calendar. And then you add one duck egg.

Not The Who! Maynard! Geez!

And I still say that it was Maynard Keen who played the necromancing White Walker, standing on the dock, bidding Jon Snow "Adieu".

You lie!

Did anyone else think that the Walker standing on the dock may have been Maynard Keenan? Frigging great episode.

She was pretty cool. She showed a good sense of humor whenever she was interviewed. Even if the show was making fun of her for being a horror icon.

Who needs Marvel anymore? The Venture Bros. more than covers the spectrum.

I don't know the answers to any of the article's questions. But I do know that Millenial Hamburgler needs to straighten his bitch out. Old-school Hamburgler knew how to wield pimp-hand and wasn't afraid to use it. You're Hamburgler punk! Not Filet-O-Fish! Now represent.

Fifty Buns of Douchebag.

Now just a Inuit!

Never heard of it. I shall look it .

JCS & Pasolini's The Gospel of St.Mathew are, IMO, two of the best films made about the New Testament. Both of their soundtracks hold their own, in that you can understand the story without seeing either.