
Oh, he doesn’t owe one to me, but a quick list off the top of my head suggests where he might start:

Lots of people use a nom de plume.

The worst part to me is that even when admitting what he did, Cebulski is offering an explanation and not an apology. I suspect he has no idea that he has done anything wrong beyond mild deceit and working around a corporate policy.

He ain’t no fucking Manu Bennett, I can tell you that.

I think it’s more a law of averages.

You know what immediately invalidates everything you’ve been writing is the slew of guys who are still making movies and tv for shit that there is hard factual undeniable evidence for like Sean Penn, Mel Gibson, and Charlie Sheen, to name a few.

I think the long and very successful careers of guys like Weinstein, Spacey, Polanski and others show that sexual harassment allegations don’t ruin lives.

I hear Donald Trump is a fan of the story of Lot and his daughters.

I’ve seen it. Enjoyed it, but it still didn’t seem terribly different from the persona she cultivates.

Somehow I doubt your friend who is so uber-conscious of crossing lines with women that he refuses to be alone with them unless his wife is chaperoning was taken to HR solely for offering a woman a chair in a meeting. Sounds like there’s a lot of backstory there that doesn’t end with “and out of the blue, I get in

You should probably do us all a favor and just not talk to women until you can figure it out then.

Sexual abusers are overwhelmingly male.

Your dog looks adorable as sushi! My cat is your dog’s twin, by the way:

Nowhere did she say their response “has to be” anything, nor did she imply all men couldn’t have a “me too” story. You’re just manufacturing grievances because you’re a fucking asshole.

Of course a man is the first to weigh in with “no proof, no story.” Of course.

These are spectacular. And goodness knows there are A Lot of indie authors with good books and dreadful covers.

I like your tree!

Holy shit am I tired of hearing the phrase “playing the victim” used about a woman who was literally just in a courtroom getting justice for being sexually assaulted this month.

I thought the cover was bad but the original makes it look even worse.

Gotta add art theft to that scandal list. It’s for publicity, honest.