
A fish is a fish even when it’s a bug mammal.

My dog in her Batman costume decided she had to help while we set up the graveyard out front.

I demand that Ray Palmer meet the newest Superman on a Supergirl/Legends crossover. There could be so many inside jokes about cape issues and being the dorkiest dorks. Though, there might be a danger of Winn exploding in joy.

I wonder if he’ll have it back in time for their Christmas show. I guess we’ll found out next week for the Carnival of Souls, or he’ll have a haunted one.

Nobody puts brain guy in the corner.

Sadly, I blocked her after all that because it was bonkers.

The author came after me on twitter when I linked to the article and said no one cares about her virginity state. She smugly responded with that stupid “I won’t have to worry about a missed period or never knowing who I’m waking up beside.” So I came after her with the truth that her pious need to be better than

It’s amazing how Star Trek solved the problem in 1987 by replacing man with one but now men in the comments and beyond are whining how “It’s just so IMPOSSIBLE!”

That was why I started writing my Dwarves in Space series. I’m gonna jam scifi and fantasy together and spackle in the cracks with humor. It’s a ton of fun to come up with evolutionary reasons for why a troll or banshee species would exist.

It’s a bit surprising that Satan spray tans his bunghole, but that’s the father all lies for you.

If it’s sexist to vote for Hillary because she’s a woman, is it also demonist to vote for Trump because he’s literally Satan’s bunghole?

The only way to woman right is if you parrot back everything a man says, and otherwise sit quietly while looking pretty otherwise BACK TO THE KITCHEN!

It was impressive how fast Elizabeth Warren went from “their one woman friend” to a total traitor. Now they’ve glommed onto Jill Stein to prove they aren’t sexist.

I’ve actually got an accidental rope burn on my neck due to a tubing incident and it in no way looked anything like that. Didn’t wrap around at all, just sliced up the left side of my neck something awful. They’re all so full of shit their eyes are turning brown. That poor girl. I still have my scar some 15 years

The reason is because of executive producer dick measuring. There’s an obvious hierarchy where for whatever reason movies are on top, then TV, and then they kinda putz around with animation despite it being their best. The movie exec wants all the lauds and attention so, if we’re gonna make a Suicide Squad movie I

Can I borrow a feeling?

And they did it because they gave us a grave in the opening season and had to put somebody in it. Not any real reason beyond writing that scene and forgetting to fill it. You could see them realizing that “Oh shit, if we’re gonna kill Laurel off I guess we should do something with her, I guess.” So the last few

Is the gif from Much Ado About Nothing? Why can’t Tennant and Tate be in everything together?

I wish the companions would interact a little more beyond when you exchange one for the other. Like you come back to Sanctuary Hills and there’s a massive fight that breaks out like here.

Tick, there is no santa.