
I cackled when Xo bowed to Gloria Estefan before performing.

None of the criticisms are wrong (although the narration doesn't bother me the way it does others), but I enjoyed the episode anyway.

After that line from Ira, my response was "The entire male clone subplot was worth it for this."

I don't know, I think saying "I'd love to see you, but my family doesn't know about the adoption and I'm not ready to tell them about it. Would you still like to meet?" is a much better choice than flying out to meet your biological child and his family without giving him any warning about his still being a secret.

Frankie: You don't want to hear about the Chilean soap opera that's become my life.
Jacob: Actually, I do. I'm your guy. I want to hear everything.

I thought the writing and editing of the Mundan ceremony was a very weird choice, too. I hated how Jody, Morgan and Jeremy (the main cast, yes, but all white non-Hindus) kept squirming and freaking out and generally making things worse. Like, of course Leo was crying. Babies cry at christenings, too. Any time an

I agree. I can give Sol a pass where the pre-surgery wedding is concerned, because he just experienced the trauma of finding Robert face down on their table and was under a tremendous amount of pressure, but I find the idea that telling your partner about your infidelity is selfish to be fairly baffling. I've heard so

"You look like you're from the future and you're here to warn us about technology."

I think Peggy considered it a dead end job. I don't know how many hair salons a small town could support, but even if Peggy opened her own place, would that have been enough for her?

I thought Peggy's speech was really era appropriate. My mom (who would be just about the same age as Peggy) has talked a lot about the idea of "having it all" that was apparently a pretty big part of 60s and 70s feminism and how she feels like it was actually fairly damaging. I could totally believe that Peggy (a