No, our economic system is based around crossing our fingers and hoping that when scarce resources become rare and expensive, someone will figure out how to make them cheaper because they want to turn a quick buck.
No, our economic system is based around crossing our fingers and hoping that when scarce resources become rare and expensive, someone will figure out how to make them cheaper because they want to turn a quick buck.
I think that AlphaBlu's right that, assuming the scenes were played in chronological order, Sansa was told about signal before Brienne had made contact with the Northeners. I assume you're right that Brienne is in fact keeping watch for the candle, having been let in on the conspiracy at some point after she arrived.…
My understanding is that none of Joffrey's victims enjoyed the love and support of the masses quite like the Sparrows in general and the High Sparrow in particular do at the moment. The thought is that by calling in the city guard to disband them, Tommen would only be sowing the seeds of rebellion.
A male brain just isn't wired that way.
Raiders of the Lost Ark qualifies as an action film, yes? That would be my pick for most perfect action film of all time.
I did it before I even knew what masturbation was.
If Sam wasn't already getting told how fat he was every other week by Alliser or Rast or whomever else, I'm absolutely certain somebody would have come around to say, "Yo Sam, you gotta drop some pounds buddy or those white walkers or going to murder you." As it is though, I think it's just a bit too obvious a…
I don't know, as only a series viewer, I kind of loved Walder Frey. He was trolling all the way through that wedding, cracking jokes, holding his cards close to the chest and then Wham, he straight up destroys the man who slighted him in an instant. His death would be kind of bittersweet.
I wouldn't say he really has his pick of them. Amy Adams is pretty definitively a platonic friend, Olivia Wilde kicks him to the curb after the first date, Rooney Mara at the time of the movie is completely uninterested in him, and Portia Doubleday doesn't like him so much as she likes an idealization of his and…
Monsieur Gustave H. A man of charm, grace, and impeccable sense of style, he's pretty much the portrait of a civilized man.
It's not even that an "Edgar Allen Poe-themed serial killer cult" is a terrible idea in and of itself; it's mildly amusing and real serial killer cults have been founded on much flimsier foundations. No, it's that the idea's already played out and has been for decades. Ray Bradbury's Usher II toyed with the concept 65…
As an inquiring mind, I do have to ask, do you really think the overwhelming majority of women are comfortable with people they don't know or at the very least don't know incredibly well asking them out? As someone who has quite literally never asked a single soul out ever (outside of online dating), I've always…
Crazy like Mr. Fox is crazy for Boobafina.
Bubbline is my anti-ship. Clearly Princess Bubblegum and Doctor Princess should be together. A tale of two star crossed lovers, one bound by a code of medical ethics, the other trapped in a position of royal authority. How will they overcome these obstacles to true love? Find out next time on, Late Nights in Ooo.
I'm not saying that there won't be scientific advancements going into the future. I'm saying that none of them will completely overturn the general theory of relativity. It is one of the most robust and well tested theories ever. And frankly, there's as good of a chance that new science places more limitations on…
Eh, we have some incredibly accurate models of how the universe works. I wouldn't get my hopes up for some new physics to completely shatter the interstellar speed limit if I were you. And frankly, I don't think it would be a good thing to be able to go faster than light. That would allow for time travel and pretty…
As a dude, I tend to think my hair / testicle situation is pretty unsightly any time I take a close look down there. However, I've never really had the kind of shame and embarrassment the LW seems to have. Then again, I've also never had any sexual partners, so the only person really taking a peek down there is my…
"It'll be in theaters on January 23rd"
I'm actually kind of surprised to find that people thought Rust was a massive dick. As an ontological naturalist, I did enjoy a good chunk of Cohle's personal philosophy, though by no means all of it, but that's not really why I liked him. What really endeared him to me was his tendency toward self sacrifice. His…
I'm pretty sure there wasn't supposed to be any real romantic bond between Breezy and Finn. I completely disagree with Oliver when he says that they had developed a "true emotional connection" by the end of the episode. Finn thought she was a fun acquaintance, the kind of friend you do intramural sports with but not…