
OK seriously, though — is there anyone (bride or not) who WOULDN’T rush to the side of their injured father or grandparents? I can’t even imagine getting the call and going, “Oh well, I’m sure they’ll be fine, I need to go make my grand entrance at my reception.”

Wait - the I’m-so-Christian-and-it’s-so-haaaard is considering converting? Ah, I see.

Aw, it’s okay, bb.

To be fair, I guess that would make some sense in the broad picture.

In the expensively educated, ambitiously employed, liberal urban circles I’ve run in since graduating from prep school outside Washington, D.C., coming out as a Christian feels more fraught than coming out as gay.

You think so? Personally, I think it’s so eyerollingly wrapped up in jargon and buzz phrases that, even if the message is good, the delivery makes it hard for me to take it seriously (which isn’t saying I doubt her sincerity, one thing this apology does convey is that she is having a crisis of conscious).

Apparently a statement that essentially says “This was completely my fault, I have caused serious irreparable harm, I apologize profusely, and I will do my best to avoid doing it again” is rape apologism? I guess they wanted her to just say “I AM A DOGSHIT HUMAN BEING WHO RAPED SOMEONE”

Are we supposed to ask for consent before every sex act?

More to the point: zines still exist?

“Rape apologism manifests itself in infinite forms: we define it as any discourse that refers to sexual assault as anything other than what it is— unacceptable and appalling abuse. The statement recently shared [below] is, unfortunately, rife with apologism and we do not condone it or the violence it describes,”


Did she say anything about violent porn?

Actually, despite male rape being an MRA talking point, feminists were the first champions of the issue of male rape. A man can absolutely be raped by a woman and arousal doesn’t equal consent.

1. Nice use of “hysterical,” Wife of Misogynist

also unrepentantly racist. republicans being scrum is not news

I can see it happening too. I can also see like...checking them out. He’s not dead. But only a tonedeaf schmoo is asinine enough to put that jazz on twitter. Or facebook. Or on a work email. Or anywhere but in the scroll across his lil pea brain.

Meanwhile, after reading this, I have added this skill to OkCupid:

Looking for: Someone with the ability to handle stressful task. I defuse bombs and I will need a second player to assist with the How To Booklet.

the Ed Sheeren of rap

I am looking to hire cooks and waitstaff for my newest restaurant - Punchie’s This Is How We Serve It.

This is absolutely the correct reaction.