
On one hand, why would I ever ask a man for a tampon in the first place? And on the other, that’s cool, let him pay for them (and the accompanying merchandise tax). I guess?

I’m going to be totally honest. When I read this, all I could think was this dude was thinking way too much about what was happening in strangers vaginas. I mean, thanks for helping a fellow human out, but that is some pre-planning that I can not wrap my mind around.

I knew a guy who kept tampons in his bathroom for such reasons. He was also the dumbest person I’ve ever met (he thought the Catholic Church killed Jesus, literally), but he still managed to realize women have periods.

And you can guarantee they’ll now require all doctors to have admitting privileges (if it’s not already a law), because of the danger of anesthesia.

because knocking people unconscious for no reason is dangerous

I think this break my brain.

This clip needs to be mandatory for every legislator to watch before passing more abortion restriction laws. Like women having to look at their ultrasounds

I couldn't bounce back from this for the rest of the night after I watched it.

It’s impossible to not cry.

Now playing

Republicans know they can’t just outlaw abortion, so instead they make it impossible. This was posted earlier, but if you haven’t seen it please watch it. And try not to cry.

I can’t internet anymore today. I’m too depressed. I need to go find some squee in my life.

Bernie is too busy fighting the good fight to be bothered with parts of speech. In fact, Bernie is so active that the only part of speech he knows is the verb.

She confuses me. The only movie I’ve seen (all the way through) with her in it was American Hustle. Everyone kept telling how great she was in that, and I just felt like I was taking crazy pills...

Actually, the overwhelmingly positive response to that movie still has me baffled. I’m starting to wonder if I walked into


just a thought is that none of the republican candidates are running on a platform of being tough on wall street when it seems like maybe they aren’t tough on wall street so its not really an issue on that side?

no other Democrats running for President gave speeches for the guys who blew up the world economy

wait where are pictures and video??? and when is it on??? I NEEED MOREEEE INNFFFOOOOOOOO and HARDY GIFS

The U-pick-em pro-life responses to the Zika Virus:
“They shouldn’t have traveled to a third world country.”
“They shouldn’t live so close to a third world country.”
“They should’ve lived in another country.”
“They shouldn’t be having sex.”