
That sounds amaaaaaaazing. Wait, now you’re persuading me, you manipulative manipulator, you!

The interviewer notes that Linton had to be persuaded to pose in “beautiful dresses,”

This woman has a set of Balls & Galas on her to expect us to accept this bullshit Mea Culpa.

When are we, the electorate, going to wake up and realize that the Democrat/Republican dichotomy is working as it should. There’s no bargaining with Democrat politicians. They are not just waiting around for “the right moment” to “grow a backbone”. They’re doing what the current system necessitates. Their mediocrity

The hottest take I saw on Twitter, and I sadly can’t locate it right now, was that rant “is what it would look like if Marie Antoinette was on Facebook”.

I’m ready to eat the rich.

I’m curious, what’s the taxation rate for “failed actress/writer/nobody who married rich?”

The thread is savage:

Can we also have some sort of awakening as to the Supremacy inherent to American Christianity?

Factually correct.

Thank you for writing this. I just spent two hours trying to put these same thoughts into words, but ended up with too many “fuck this shit” and “fuck alla y’all”. All the stars belong to you.

“Our selective outrage and inability to see the systematic reach of white supremacy on the left and the right distracts attention from the continued concentration of wealth in the hands of white male property owners.” 

I get the feeling that people may have just reacted to the headline and not read the entirety of the article. The author’s premise at no point states that removing of Confederacy statues isn’t a good or necessary step, just the opposite in fact. She is stating that it is a means and not and end into itself.

You’re implying that all sins are morally equal to owning slaves. Is that what you mean to be implying? Because that’s what you’re implying.

As a descendant of slaves - nooooope. This is a dumb take. They were wrong, they knew it, the SLAVES knew it.. and *most of the western world knew it. It was wrong then and now and there’s still no justification for their actions or their memorials.

A lot of white people got exactly the wrong message from Get Out.

But fuck it feels like white women can’t win.

Kelly Stout thinking about the responses to this article:

Yes, it’s a personality cult. I, for one, am instantly drawn to shambling old white men with terrible posture and a textbook case of Voice Immodulation Disorder.