
Have you considered the actual Left? We’re better.

Right. And of course the top comments about the situation on Jez are liberals rushing to smell their own farts and talk about “how out of line” Griffin was as if three alt-right trolls didn’t just FUCKING MURDER minorities and white anti-racists within the span of one week.

This Kathy Griffin situation has had me seething and is a prime example of why I’m hesitant to identify as a liberal/Democrat despite my politics aligning with them.

Joanna, your “set” made me snort three times. I’d ring a gong or turn my chair around or whatever for you.

This is terrible. I laughed.


This entire paragraph was beautiful in its truth and brutality. Well done, Rich.

No, it’s the nosy motherfuckers micromanaging poor people that ruin it for everybody. Food Stamps is a penny-ante racket. We have corporations sucking billions out of us between their subsidies and the taxes they don’t pay but motherfuckers want to concentrate their attention on somebody they think is eating too well

<<And I recognize that, women and everyone that isn’t a white male face an uphill battle, I get that. I mean hearing that, as a white guy, it doesn’t really mean anything to me to be honest. I’m tired of being a young white guy who isn’t in charge of anything what so ever, and being told I’m responsible for shit that

With your support, under my regime, no syllable will be left unappended.

I’m not sure that we’re at a point, in the struggle for gender equality, where we should ask people with reason to think “Men Are Trash” (as a shorthand for far more complicated facts of patriarchal society) to bite their tongues and be the bigger person.

I mean, you’re right, insofar as it is a bit about hate: hate directed against the structural inequality, and the way in whichpersons of whatsoever gender are made allies and surrogates to it.

<<So you feel as if there is nothing hypocritical, counter productive, or dismissive... >>

That isn’t the golden rule, as formulated in Confucianism, Christianity, or any other moral tradition in which it appears in some form (ya ninny). The golden rule is a moral prescription for actions — not for reactions. It tells me how I should act, mindful of the likelihood that others (esp. those who do not act

“You will be called trash for doing this.”

When I was sexually harassed at work, the reporting process was at least 5 times as traumatic as the actual harassment - and I had a trusted, personal relationship with the person to whom I had to report. In the end, I was told that I would not be informed of any disciplinary actions that were taken against my

Her wishes include hardwoods, lots of counterspace, neutral colors, a big yard, 4K+ sq feet, Seattle, walkability, and her budget is 7 million.

Congratulations, grads. You managed to take one of the more boring experiences of life (sitting and listening to people dispense mindless platitudes about life) and turn it into an exciting event filled with drama and tension. And you got to make Betsy DeVos appear deeply uncomfortable. You kids are awesome, and