
I love the Root on Monday mornings, always ready to take shit head on. Good Morning, Michael!

my wife is making: batter fried chicken wings two ways (korean spice and maple glaze bbq), mini pigs in a blanket (blankets are mini as well), homemade fries, ‘ringed shrimp,’ mini ham salad sandwiches, bbq pork nachos, franco-canadian-iberian tourtière empanadas, be-bouled spinach and artichoke dip, deviled eggs,

Jello, boullion and gatorade! colonscopy tomorrow!

My first reaction was secondhand embarrassment because people have lead him to believe he is way more talented than he really is.


I’m going to be dissecting and gif’ing the shit out of this video for months! Thank you, Jesus!

This article was excellent. Thank you for writing it.

This, however is Normal:

I convinced my wife to drive me to Taco Bell after bar hopping just so I could try it.

I can’t believe I ate this and enjoyed it. I’m going to spend the rest of my day evaluating my life choices. I hate you, Stephen.

They appreciate it. As someone who pays her bills through an ACLU salary, I thank you all deeply. The ACLU is very good people and they are going to be tireless the next 4 years.

I’m going to post the whole thing here, because this is outrageous:

Thanks. I’d been looking for the page titled, “Fascism” and it appears I’ve now found it.

And the police will claim that all protesters are blocking traffic in any situation, in the same way they always accuse people of resisting arrest when they are beating them.

Anyone who says this isn’t straight up fascism, is a straight up fascist themselves. Our right to peacefully assemble, which means anything short of actually smashing shit up, is guaranteed by our 1st amendment constitutional rights. Don’t think for a second that this law will not be used by a federal agency at some

Yeah, because that’s definitely what the GOP did when Obama was in office.

These are a few from the LA Womens March.

You mean this sign? It’s amazing.